Adopted by the BoBoiBoy Siblings <Part 1>

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Lee Maxwell's POV

Hi! I'm Lee Maxwell, I'm an orphan and I'm seven years old. I love wearing jumpers and I love to skate. I have friends named Luke Mulligan and Sean Schuyler. My mom and dad brought me here when I was three. I love this orphanage, I can make new friends, no one will harm me, I can eat 24/7, and I can play my fave game, tag! Imagine that! My life gets better here. But there is one thing that I hated here, Daniel's Gang. They were bullies. They always trash around the orphanage.

I always heard about this news, that the Boboiboy Siblings fight crime. I was amazed about it. They have cool powers like earth, lightning, wind, fire, ice and water, nature and light. They're twenty-one years old, I heard that they are septuplets. One of them is BBB Cyclone and BBB Thunderstorm, they are my favorites. Luke and Sean amazed them too. Luke's favorite is BBB Thorn and BBB Solar, while Sean's favorite is BBB Blaze and BBB Ice. There leader, which is BBB Quake, the earth manipulator, is my fave too. Dude, can you imagine that? You can do an earth punch, earth wall, and even an earth golem! It's so cool!

"Okay class, remember what I said, don't judge the book by it's cover, so class dismiss."

I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. Lunch time. I get my blue bag and rushed out of the classroom. I ran through the school's rooftop. Me and my friends always spend our lunch time together there by drawing stuffs while eating.

I run and run upstairs through the rooftop until I bumped into someone. I landed with my butt first. I looked up to see who I bumped, it was a man. He wears a black hoodie with gold and yellow stripes, a brown shirt, black trousers and orange shoes. He also wears a brown hat facing back with an earth symbol, I think? He's kinda looked so familiar. I tried to guess who is he, but I still can't remember.

I stand up to apologize. "I'm so sorry, sir! I was in a rush and I didn't notice that I bumped into someone!"

"It's okay, I'm in a rush too, I'm trying to find the principal's office. You know where is it? And I'm trying to find a kid named, Lee Maxwell." His voice were familiar too, but I still can't remember who is it.

"Lee Maxwell? That's me." I answered blankly.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm BBB Quake!"

BBB Quake. BBB Quake. BBB Quake. That's it! I remember now, BBB Quake, the leader of the BoBoiBoy Siblings!

"Um...nice to meet you!" I said shyly. Dude, your first time seeing one of your idols is AWESOME!

I wish I can meet the whole group. I wish I can meet BBB Cyclone, BBB Thunderstorm, BBB Blaze, BBB Ice, BBB Thorn and BBB Solar!

"So, where can I find the principal's office again?" I snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke. "And, can you please come with me, since you're the girl that I'm looking for?"

"S-sure!" I stuttered.

I walked with him through the principal's office. I didn't notice that I forgot about Luke and Sean. When we got there, he knock on the door and we heard a voice from inside saying 'come in'. We entered the door and saw Mr. Washington typing something at his laptop. He looked up to see us with a blank expression.

"Maxwell? Can I help you?" He asked.

"U-um...M-Mr. Washington, t-there is s-someone who wants to s-see you," I stuttered. Who wouldn't even do that just because of your creepy principal?

He looked at my side and saw BBB Quake. "Mr. BoBoiBoy?" He asked.

"Uh...I'm here to talk to you Mr...?"

"Washington. George Washington. But just call me George." He introduce.

"So, um, I was sent here by the St. Anthony Orphanage. They said, this is the school where Lee Maxwell study?" He asked.

"Yes. Why? What do you need to her?"

"Me and my brothers were going to adopt her."

I was about to leave the principal's office when I froze on my spot. The BBB Siblings want to adopt me? You gotta be kidding me. No one wants to adopt me, but them? I felt a lump on my throat when BBB Quake called me. I didn't turned around, instead, I run. This has to be a dream. If this is a dream please wake me up. I run and run until I got to the rooftop. I saw Sean and Luke with worried faces while pacing back and forth. When they saw me, they run towards me and and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Sis, were so worried about you! Where have you been?!" Luke asked, still hugging me.

I pulled out. "Mulligan, Schuyler, I'm getting adopted!"

"What?!" They said in unision.

"Who will adopt you?" Sean asked.

"Please don't freak out, 'kay? Well, it's the...BBB Siblings..." I muttered the last part quietly. And I think they still heard it.

And I was right. "What?! How?!"

"Well...I was running upstairs through the rooftop when I bumped into someone. I thought it was just a random student, but I was wrong, it was BBB Quake. He asked me if where's the principal's office, and he asked me another question again."

"What is it?"

"He asked if where he could find Lee Maxwell, and I said it's me. Then we walked towards the principal's office, and..."


After minutes of explaining, BBB Quake came. Oh no.

"I'm so sorry Lee, if I surprised you like that!" He hugged me. Wait, he was sorry?

He pulled away. "'s okay. I'm just shocked, cause no one wants to adopt me."

"Oh, sorry 'bout that. But, there is now wants to adopt you." He hugged me once again. I hugged him back. I looked at Sean and Luke. They have thumbs up and they were saying something like 'were proud of you' and 'finally, there is someone wants to adopt our sister'.

We pulled away. I walk towards my brothers and hugged them. Sometimes, our classmates calls us 'The Watersons'. They call Luke as Gumball, they call Sean as Darwin, and they call me as Anais.

"Were gonna miss you, Anais" they said in unision.

"You know that we can still hang out right?"

"Yeah, but still! Were gonna miss you!"

We pulled away.

"So, Lee, ready to meet my brothers?" Quake asked.

"Heck, yeah!" I said excitedly.

Best day ever...


Word count: 1108

So, guys, how was it? I hope you enjoyed reading. I didn't even eat lunch just because of this! And now I'm suffering from hunger. So, imma gonna eat now. I'm so sorry if the story is, what do you called it? I forgot. I don't have a choice of words.


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