She's Dating the Gangster|ThundClone <Part 2>

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"Cy! Answer him already!"





"NO! DON'T DO IT!" I stopped him. "Fine! I'll answer you! Yes!"

All the girls gasped.

He came down and I ran away. I don't want them to see me cry.

I run through the hallway, not minding the people who were staring at me.

I arrived at the place where I always go when I have problems. The rooftop(another building).

I buried my face at my knees and cry.

I heard footsteps walking towards me. I didn't dare to look at who is it. I just cry.

I can feel that he's sitting next to me, so I just let him.

"I know what you feel..."

That voice... it's so familiar...

"If you do, then why did you do that?" I looked at him.

"Its because I like you. Or maybe more than that... I love you"

"Then why did you forced me?" I asked.

" I confess to you, I know you'll just reject me. know, you're a tomboy and I'm a gangster..."

I smiled at him. "You know that I can fall inlove too, you know"

His eyes widened. "Y-you mean..."

"Yup. Hmm... but I still don't know you"

He chuckled. "Seriously? Even I'm the most popular here in school, you still don't know me?"

I just rolled my eyes.

"You know, I'll just leave" I was about to stand up when a pair of lips crushed into mine.

He...he's kissing me?!

"Hmm...your lips tasted like vanilla..." he said when we broke the kiss.

And now, I was blushing madly.

"Curse you..." I glared at him. He just smirked.

The End

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