Adopted by the Boboiboy Siblings <Part 2>

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Hey guys, so many of you want me to wrote a part two, so, here it goes...

BTW, Ochobot is a human. So, his name will be changed into Ocho.


Lee Maxwell's POV


That one word always makes me happy, but sad at the same time. The manager of this orphanage, Theodosia Burr, always calls for us because there is someone wants to adopt a child. I always thought it was me, but I was wrong. I always cry after that. I always thought I don't have any hope of getting adopted. But they always tell me not to give up, they always tell me not to lose hope.

And now, I'm getting adopted, adopted by a person who were idolized by the people the most. Lucky and unlucky for me. Lucky because I'm getting adopted by the most famous people here in Kuala Lumpur. Unlucky because I'm gonna be separated from them. The people who always keep me in comfort in my sad days, the people who always makes me laugh, the people who I loved the most. My brothers.

I know, they are not my real brothers, but we decided to be siblings. Even though we have different personalities. Luke Mulligan, being the short-tempered, but conversationalist at the same time. Sean Schuyler, being the cola chugger in our group, but my prankster partner at the same time, and me, being boyish, but positive and prankster at the same time. They were like my real brothers to me. I call them Gumball and Darwin, while they call me Anais.

I was about to leave our room, when Sean and Luke call me.

"Lee! Wait!"

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked. They have teary eyes while holding a tear stained paper.

They pulled me in a bone crushing hug. "Were gonna miss you!" I hugged back. "Don't worry guys, I'm gonna visit you here! A-and we can still hang out at school, r-right?" My voice began to crack, and I ended up crying.

"Of course we can! And, can you gave us some remembrance?" Luke asked, still crying.

I pulled away, and looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I-I mean we can exchange things, or something...just for a remembrance..." Luke said shyly.

I smiled. "You know, dude, we don't need that as long as were together. Like what you said, were inseparable, right?" I reassured.

"But, you're getting adopted! So, that means, were gonna be separated!" Sean complained.

"Unless, were at the same school." I said with a soft smile.

Once again, we hugged each other. I'm gonna miss all of these. The warmth of there hugs, the sound of there voices. I grabbed the hat of Sean and wear it.

"Hey! Give it back!" Sean whined, while chasing me for his hat.

"It's mine now. Here, have my beanie!" I toss him my beanie, and he catch it.

"Don't say..."

"Just a remembrance!"

"But I thought, we don't need this?" He asked.

"Just in case. And Luke?" I turned to face Luke.


"Here. Wear this. I know, it's a gift from my mother, but, I'm gonna give it to you, take care of Mojo? 'Kay?" I asked as gave him my monkey plushie named Mojo. (If you saw my FangBoy One Shots book, you'll see what it looks like)

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