Adopted by the BoBoiBoy Siblings <Part 3>

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Everyone voted for the number two. So, two it is...


Lee Maxwell's POV

I turned to see the BBBs, squealing and fangirling. I turned bright red because of embarrassment. Did they saw the whole thing?

"Hey guys..." I manage to say a word to lessen the awkwardness around me. "So, let's go and e-eat, I'm h-hungry," I stuttered and smiled sheepishly. Hay, even though I'm not hungry. I just made that as an excuse.

"Okay, come on guys, let's eat," Quake walked towards the dining room and so as them, well, except for me and BBB Cyclone.

"Hey Maxwell, what was that all about?" Cyclone smirked, while nudging me.

"Okay, so first of all, don't call me Maxwell, second, we just met. And that's because of that stupid banana peel!" I said, almost a shout.

"Oh...I'm sorry. And by the way, why don't you want to be called Maxwell?" He asked.

I sigh. "Because only my brothers calls me that,"

"Oh, sorry. And why are you saying that you met him just because of a stupid banana peel?" He asked once again.

"I slipped because of that, and he caught me," I answered bluntly.
"Oh, you slipped on a banana peel and he caught you, huh?" He asked.

"Do I have to repeat it for you?" I snapped. "I know that we just met, but sorry for being so snobbish." I apologized.

"It's okay! Come on! Let's eat! You're hungry, right?" He asked.

"Actually, I'm not. I just made that as an excuse." I smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh, okay! So, while all of them are eating, what do you want to do? We can take a walk at the park if you want to,"

" 'bout we play soccer?"

"Awesome! Come on!"


"You brought your soccer ball with you?" He shook his head.

"I'll just get it!" He rode with his hover board and dash off.

"I'll just wait here!" I yelled. Great. Now that I'm alone. I sigh. I faced back and forth while waiting Cyclone. Geez, what's taking him so long?!


Huh? Is it just me, or someone call me.


Or it's just the voice inside my head?


What the? That's it! I'm frustrated!

"W-who is it?" Sh*t! I stuttered! I turned left and right, but I didn't see anything.

"Up here!"

I looked upward. There I saw a purple levitating robot and a square headed guy, holding a net. My eyes widened when they threw the net at me.

"Iish! Let me go! Who are you?!" I yelled.

"Ha ha ha! Let's see what's gonna be the reaction of BoBoiBoy! Ha ha ha!" He laughed. "Come on Probe! Let's get to the HQ, before anyone saw us!" They run to there...uh...whatever they called that, with me, still in the net.

Sean Schuyler's POV

No way!

I watched in terror as that guys took Maxwell away. I need to tell the BBBs! I ran through there house. When I got there, I saw BBB Cyclone, I ran towards him.

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