Broken into Pieces|ThoLar

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"Come on Solar! Let's play!" Thorn was jumping and trying to convince her brother.

"No! Look, I have some fans to greet" Solar said while typing at his phone.

"Aww..." Thorn pouted.

"Just play with Cyclone or Blaze"

Thorn widened her eyes not because of what Solar said, but because she stepped on something.

She looked down at her feet and saw his brother's glasses. Broken.

"Oh no..."

"What did you said?"

" I will just ask Blaze and Cyclone to play with me, just like what you said, ha ha ha" Thorn stuttered while laughing nervously.

Solar nod and Thon walkout.

"Oh no...I'm so dead..."

Skip Time

"Dinner is served!" Quake shouted and all of his brothers and sisters walk downstairs.

"Finally!" Blaze rushed out of his room and run downstairs and gobble up his food in one go.

This made everyone sweat dropped.

"Blaze! Slow down your food! You may choke!" Quake warned him, but Blaze didn't listen, he just eat and eat and eat.

"Hay, never mind. By the way, where's Solar?" Quake asked while looking at the empty seat.

Everyone except Quake gave her a we-don't-know-look.

"Um...Thorn can you call your brother?"

"Sure" Thorn nod and went upstairs.

She knocked the door. "Solar let's eat!" No response. "Solar?" She opened the door and went in.

"What do you want?" Thorn heard a sarcastic voice.

"S-Solar?" Thorn stuttered.

"I said, what do you want?!"

"L-let's eat d-dinner" Thorn was trying to said it, but he always ended up in a stuttering mess.

"I'm not hungry, so get out!"

"B-but-" she was cut-off.

"GET.OUT" he glared at her.

Thorn didn't say anything. The only way to calm her brother is to leave him alone.

She walk downstairs while crying and walk towards the door.

"Hey Thorn! Where are you going?" Cyclone asked.



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