My Little Hybrid|ThoLar

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Hey dudes! This is a Hybrid AU! And my first time writing it! I hope you enjoy it, and this is a SoRn One-Shot, BTW! Enjoy!


Solar's POV

I walked through the cages while following an old man. Inside the cages were colorful and meowing hybrids. And I'm here, because I want to adopt one of them, even though, I don't find the one. I followed the old man until we get to the front desk.

But then, something caught my attraction. It's a hybrid. But he's different from the other hybrids I saw. He wore a plain green t-shirt, and black shorts. His ears and tail seemed fluffy. He was curled into a ball, sleeping. Cute.

"So, you already found the hybrid you were looking for?" The old man asked. I turned at him and nodded.

"Where is it?"

I pointed at the hybrid which caught my attraction. He raised his eyebrow.

"That? Okay... It's your decision." He walked through the hybrid and kneeled down to reach the height of the cage were the hybrid is in. I looked at the man suspiciously.

"Hey, kid, there's someone who'll adopt you," he said softly. Hmm...maybe he took the hybrids in because he cared for them.

The hybrid opened his eyes and saw the old man in front of him. He smiled. "Good morning, Mr. Old Man!" He greeted.

"Good morning to you too, Thorn. Well, I have a good news for you,"

So, Thorn is his name, huh? Adorable.

"What is it, Mr. Old man?" He asked.

"'re getting adopted!" He said happily. He seems old, but he's childish. He just reminded me of Tok.

"Really?! Who?!" He asked excitedly. The old man pointed at me. I waved at the hybrid awkwardly. The old man release him from his cage and Thorn walked towards me. He waved cheerfully.

"Hi! My name's Thorn! What's yours?" He asked.

"Hey. I'm Solar."

"Nice to meet you, Sol!" He said. Wait. Did he just called me, Sol? No one had ever called me that, except my childhood friend.

"You too." I said.

"So, you can now sign the adoption papers." The old man said while he gave me three papers and a ball pen.

After I signed the papers, the old man gave me a leash. I was confused at first but I got what he meant. I took the leash from his hand and ready to go.

Author's Note: if you're guessing that Solar is mute, because he didn't speak almost at the story, well, he's not.

"Mind telling me about yourself?" I asked.

"Well, my name's Thorn I'm nineteen years old, and I'm a hybrid!" He answered happily. "How 'bout you? Can you tell me about yourself too?"

" name's Solar, I'm twenty-one years old, and I love taking selfies!"

" you take a picture every single day?" He asked, slightly irritated.

"Um...yeah?" I answered, most likely a question.

"Okie." He shrugged.

We got to my place safely. I opened the door for Thorn to come in first.

"Woah! You have a nice place! I've never been in a place like this!" Thorn said, amazed.

"Well, today is your lucky day, then." I ruffled his hair softly. Gosh. His hair is so soft.

"Um...hey. Is something wrong? Did I have a dirt on my face? You've been staring at me." I snapped out of my thoughts, and I pulled my hand and looked away.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I think you're hungry."

"Yeah. Maybe."

Do I like him?


Hey! So, I hope you enjoy reading! Sorry for being so dead. By the way, it took me six days to make this story.

Stay tuned guys!

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