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Guys, I'm giving you a warning. I'm sure that the ending part will ruin your innocence so, below 12, don't read this. I'm warning you.

Requested by Diana_core_music! Enjoy!
Another good day for the BBB siblings, but not for Thorn. She's been acting weird everyday.

Everybody noticed this, and when they will ask Thorn if there's a problem, she will only avoid them. And the most weird thing they noticed about her is she's been avoiding Solar.


It was only 4:00 a.m in the morning, when Thorn woke up. She tip toed walking towards at Solar's room to check him. She opened the door quietly.

She saw Solar still sleeping in his bed. She was about to leave his room when Solar suddenly speak up.

"I know you're here Thorn. What are out doing here?" He ask, sitting on his bed.

" was c-checking on y-you..." she stuttered.

"What for?" He ask again.

"Um...I gotta go to sleep. Good night!" She said quickly.

But before she leave his room, Solar quickly grab her wrist. He pinned her on the wall and talk.

He smirked. "You can only go out here if you answer my questions honestly."

"W-what is i-it?" She stuttered.

"Why are you acting weird everyday?"

"I...I...something is bothering m-me"

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked once again.

"I...I...I...I was avoiding you because..."

"Because?" He repeated.

"Because...because...because you were the one who's bothering me!" She shouted, but not so loud.

"And what do you mean by that?" He raised a brow.

"I was avoiding you because you were the one who's bothering me. Every time when I'm with you I can't stop looking at you, thinking of you! And you, on the other hand, can't stop looking at your phone and you didn't even notice me! I always wanted to hang out with you but you're always on your phone!"

"So, you mean..."

"I can't stop thinking about you"

He bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You were jealous just because of a phone?" He asked and laugh again.

"I-I'm not saying that I was jealous, it's just that, you're never hanging out with me anymore"

He smirked. "You wanna have some fun with me? Come on, I'll spend my time with you..." he led her to his bed.

"What do you-ahhh!" He pushed her to the bed and kissed her neck and so on. Until there clothes were on the floor.



Told ya...

There will be a smutty part. I hope your innocence didn't fade away.


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