chapter three

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- Louis -

I was rushing around my room to try and find my jersey. I could have sworn I put it in my room. Wait Ell did the washing this morning maybe its in there? Bingo, found it. Ell was having some mates over for a girly night or some shit and she was kicking me out of the house at five. I don’t see why I have to leave. It’s my house! Ell’s lucky I love her, and lucky for me there is a derby game on tonight so I’m heading to Liam’s for the game since he kicked his girlfriend out for the night so he could have some mates over to watch the game. I heard a knock at the door and some voices I hadn’t heard before. I think Ell said she invited someone from work. I’m so happy for her to be making friends, since her past wasn’t the easiest. My thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing noise. My phone.

*Oi mate hurry up and get your ass over here before the game starts!*

Liam always does get impatient when it comes to football. After I searched for my wallet, I am amazing at loosing things, I put on my shoes and ran down the stairs, almost tripping and rolling down the last few.

“Alright I’m off, bye babe,” I said to Ell before kissing her on the lips. I could kiss her all day, she was incredibly beautiful and she was all mine. I looked over at the two new faces standing in the doorway. The one on the left had long straight brown hair, with brown eyes and the other one had dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked familiar but I couldn’t put my eye on it. I had seen her, or maybe met her before. I have no clue I just know I have seen her before, but a younger version of her. Maybe if I knew her name, something would click in my head.

“Oh hello, and who may you two be?” I smiled and looked down at my gorgeous girlfriend.

“Arh yeah babe this is Daisy and Liv,” she pointed to each of the girls when she said their names. “I work with Liv and Daisy is her friend. Guys this is my boyfriend Louis,” she smiled at the mention of my name. God I love this girl. They greeted me and I was surprised they did go all oh my god your Louis from One Direction on me.

“Alright I’m off, bye ladies,” looking at the blonde for a few more seconds, I said goodbye and left. I got in my car and drove to Liam’s.

When I got to Liam’s there were a few cars out the front. I recognized Niall’s and Harry’s. Zayn wasn’t much of a sport guy. 

“Look who finally decided to show up!” Niall laughed at his joke and turned back to the screen.

“Yeah, yeah shut up Horan,” He was always a cheeky one.

“Why are ya late man? You almost missed the start of the match! What, were you letting my girlfriend paint your nails or something?” Liam said sarcastically. Doosh.

“Sorry I was too busy having a three way with your girlfriend,” I grinned at him while the room got a few laughs and Liam’s face went a bit red with anger. He should know that I like to play games. If you mess with me, I’ll mess with you.

We watched the game all night and hadn’t heard a thing from Ell. It means she’s probably having to much fun with her friends but being the over protected boyfriend, whenever she’s not with me or doesn’t respond to me every five seconds I assume she’s dead or taken. I can’t stop thinking about that girl. Liv I think they said. She looked so familiar that its bugging me and thrown me off. Maybe she’s a fan and I’ve seen her before or something? But if she were a fan she would have noticed me. Maybe I’ve seen her around town before? Wait no Ell said she had only just moved here a few weeks ago, I haven't seen her around before. The rest of the night I tried to ignore her and think about the game, but I couldn’t. This was really fucking annoying. I couldn’t think of it and I couldn’t stop thinking about it that I went to bed thinking about her and if I have met her before, which didn’t help much.

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