Chapter twenty-six

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I was awoken like every other day, alone and not in my bed. It took some time for my eyes to adjust but when I did, I realized I was still at Liv’s cottage. It then clicked that this was no longer Liv’s place and that she was leaving me, again.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and scratching the back of my neck as I yawned big. I just sat there for a while before getting up and walking into the kitchen and dinning room, but nobody was there. I heard the shower running up stairs and as I got closer, I could hear her softly singing. As I reached her door, I slightly pushed it open and the water stopped running as Liv stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body, clinging to her each and every perfect curve. Her hair was messily plopped on top of her head, little wet curls falling out. She looked absolutely stunning. No make up, no nothing, just her beautiful natural self. My eyes raked up and down her body, starting at her tanned, silky legs, than moving to her first curve, her hips as they hide under the white towel.

“Eyes up here mister,” she said giggling, pointing to her amazing eyes.

“Doesn’t matter where I look on you’re body, you will still looking beautiful,” I took a step closer towards her, “gorgeous,” another step, “sexy, cute, adorable, hot, and absolutely stunning,” with every word I took one step closer to her, and with every word her cheeks got a brighter shade of red. I was now standing right in front of her, towering down on her as she wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my chest. She pulled away too quickly, grabbing the clothes from her bed and walking back into the bathroom. I sat on her bed, running my hands through my hair as I tried to run over how I was going to make this work, how I was going to plan this out. How I was going to keep her here, with me. I saw she had left her laptop open with her flight details up on her bed. I had a quick search through and saw what I had to do.  


I got dressed in some leggings and a simple Nirvana T-shirt since my flight home was long and uncomfortable. I left my hair to fall in it's normal waves and didn’t bother with make up. I walked out of the bathroom, Niall was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling as I made my way over to the door to put on my converse, grabbing my cabin bag and sliding in my laptop. I set my bag down near the door and laid down on my back next to Niall, both our legs hanging over the edge. “So? Should we get going?”

“Kinda have no choice right Kanga?” His voice was sarcastic, laughing almost. I just nodded, getting up and slowly making my way downstairs, going through every room to make sure everything is locked up and also taking in one last look of the place I once called home for a while. When I finished going through the house, I met Niall in his car, my luggage already in the back. He wouldn’t speak to me, still pissed I guess that I’m leaving him. I want to tell him how I feel, I want to tell him that I love him and have since I knew what love was. But I don’t have the guts, I’m not brave enough. “You tired?” he asked after I had just yawned widely for the fourth time. I nodded, laying back in the chair and resting my head on the window. Before I knew it my eyes were slowly closing, until they fell eventually fell shut.

My eyes fluttered open, as I look around me. I’m not in my old home and I’m not on a plane, so where the fuck am I? This place looks familiar, a bathroom to the right of me, a TV on the wall in front of me, a chested draws beneath it. I lay under white sheets, in the middle of a huge bed. The curtains were closed on the two floor to ceiling windows to my left, I can’t tell if it’s morning or night but being in the middle of an English winter, it could be pitched black and be three in the afternoon. I sit up rapidly, searching the room for some sign of whose bed I’m in. Tip toeing toward the door, I open it slightly listening in for any sign of life and thankfully I hear that all too familiar Irish accent that I can’t get enough of. I walk out slowly, hearing another voice throughout the small apartment. Walking into the living room I spot Niall and Liam, sitting and chatting. Niall was on his computer chair and Liam sits on the edge of the couch. They suddenly stop mid conversation as I step into the room, running my hand through my hair as I fold my arms over my chest and stare at Niall. He looks at me confused, Liam looking between the both of us. “What?” he asks, leaning back in his chair.

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