chapter twenty-five

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The first thing that came to my mind when Liv told me she was flying back home was, shit, there goes my birthday idea, and then another one hit me. “You don’t have to go back Olivia,” I called out to her as she began to collect her clothes from her cupboard, seriously how is she going to fit all those in there?

“Of cause I do Niall,” she smiled but it was a sarcastic, you’re an idiot, kind of smile. She continued folding clothes and pulling them out of her wardrobe, what is that thing? Narnia? I just watched her as she came out every trip with arms full of clothes.

“No you don’t Olivia,” she sat on her suitcase to close it shut and after a while of watching her struggle she closed it. Okay now she’s screwed because she still has a mountain of clothes and her… oh never mind. As I was thinking that she pulled out another suitcase from underneath her bed, this one double the size of her last.

“Yes I do Niall,” she stopped everything, looking me dead in the eyes as she huffs from trying to pull out the case. “I do because I have no money. I cant afford rent, I cant afford food, I cant afford to live anywhere, maybe not even home.”

“At least you don’t have to worry about buying clothes,” I say suggesting to the mountain on her bed. She just stopped everything and looked at me, confusion on her face but than continued packing. “Wait why are you packing? When’s your flight?”

“Tomorrow,” she said it so quietly I had to make out her words.

“Tomorrow?” I questioned, still not believing it myself. “So you were just going to get up and leave? Leave your job? Your friends? Me? You were just going to leave without anyone knowing? Well doesn’t that sound familiar?” I was standing now, out raged that she was just abandoning us.

“Nial…” she tried to speak but I cut her off, she was not doing this to me again.

“No, stop Olivia! You can’t just get up and leave! You can’t do that again! You have abandoned people your entire life! When are you going to just stay still? Stop running from something that isn’t chasing you? What about Elly? Or Danni? What are they going to do when you just leave? What about me? I’m not going through not hearing or seeing anything from you for another four years!”

“Oh because that’s my fault?” her eyes were fuming as she stood in front of me, yelling at the same tone as me. “It’s my fault you went on X-Factor and didn’t come back? It’s my fault you changed all your numbers and address? It’s my fault you got so fucking famous that I couldn’t even see you at your own concert? Niall how on Earth is this my fucking fault? How the hell did you think I would find you after you completely changed absolutely everything? Don’t you think it would have been easier for you to find me? After all, you’re the one who fucked us up? After you’re the one said we’d secretly try a long distance relationship and you cheated on me within the first two weeks with some slut of a whore Amber? You never even tried to call, or just ‘drop by’ to the house my family hasn’t moved out of since I was ten? Don’t you dare blame this on me! You’re the one to blame!”

“I know I fucked up alright? I know I screwed every fucking thing up! So go on, tell me I’m a screwed up mess!” I shout, so loud that I didn’t even hear her mumble something under her breath. “Tell me that I never listen!” again she mumbled another thing under breath as her face softened, almost as if trying to hold in a smile. “I know I screwed up! And I know I should have listened to mum and hunt you down instead of moping around and feeling sorry for myself, thinking up the most insane things as to why I shouldn’t see you! So go on, tell me it’s all my fault, because don’t you think I already fucking know that?” She just stood there, head down as she had come closer to me, standing in front of me now.

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