chapter eight

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- Olivia -

Greg and I were about 10 minutes away from his parent’s house. I couldn’t wait to see them, I am so excited I think I have enough energy and adrenaline to ran to the house. I wanted to see Maura and Bobby again. I have missed them as much as I missed Niall.

“So how is everything at the Horan house?” I smiled at Greg who was focusing on the road. He looked back from the road to me, smiling.

“Yeah everything’s great. Mum and dad are still apart but they’re getting along. I got married and I now have a son,” she had a smile from one ear to the other. He must be the happiest person alive.

“Really?” I shouted, almost squealing and jumping out of my seat. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know!” yep I was squealing now.

“You sound like a teenage girl when they se Niall,” he laughed heavily and I smiled. “My wife’s name is Denise and we have a beautiful baby boy named Theo,” he still had the biggest smile on his face.

“I have a nephew?” I’m still squealing and its distracting Greg.

“Okay stop squealing!” he was laughing now and I giggled, but I couldn’t stop squealing. “And yes, you have a nephew.”

I squealed once more, louder and longer than before. “Sorry that was my last one,” I gave him an apologetic smile and looked down at my fingers. We pulled into the familiar driveway and I jumped out of the car before he even parked it. I ran towards the door and jiggled the handle. It was locked. I knocked and could hear footsteps walking towards the door. It swung open and Maura stood in the doorway, her face changing into a huge smile just like mine. We both yelped and jumped into each other’s arms.

“MARUA!” I screamed at the same time as she screamed “OLIVIA!” by this point we were both crying in joy as Greg walked past us with my suitcase and took it up the stairs. A few minutes had passed of sobbing each other’s arms and Maura and I let go of each other. I walked into the house and saw Chris, Bobby and a beautiful blonde lady holding a little baby boy. I absolutely love children and babies. They are much better than adults. I hugged Chris and Bobby and stood back. Looking at the group of people and just wanting to hold the small child.

“Liv, this is my wife Denise and our baby boy Theo,” Greg introduced me to his little family and I greeted the lady before hugged her and then bent down so I was squatting at the baby’s height and played with his foot as he sat on his mum’s lap. “Hi little guy, I’m your aunty Liv, remember I’m much better and awesomer then your uncle Nialler,” I said his name in a playful annoyed tone and Theo smiled. Proof, I am better. 

“Would you like to hold him?” Denise asked me as she looked down at me.

“Do you mind?” I stood up and put my bag on the floor.

“No of cause not,” she grabbed the child by the waist and I pulled him up under his arms. I placed him on my hip and played with his toy in his hand. “How old is he?” I asked. Babies are adorable.

“He’s, urhh a few months?” she laughed and I joined her. “He just learned to sit up by himself a few weeks ago, he’s not crawling yet,” she smiled up at me.

“Thank god, that means he can’t run away from me,” the room filled with laughter.

“Denise do you mind helping me get dinner ready while Liv is minding Theo?” she nodded and stood up, following Maura into the kitchen. I sat down on the floor, with one leg straight out and the other tucked in, like an ‘L’, and placed Theo in front of me as he played with his toy, nibbling at the tiny bears ear.

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