chapter ten

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A/N this chapter may be triggering so some, feel free to skip


I want to get out of here, I want to leave. I don’t want to see this girl after what happened last time but Niall has gone into the coffee shop to get something to eat and I was left alone with my enemy. Neither of us said anything. I was staring at the interesting floor and Amber was just grinning at me.

“What?” I questioned her in a slightly harsh tone.

“Oh nothing, I’m just surprised to see you and Niall together. I would have never thought he would wound up with you in the end,” she was still grinning. Amber was one of those girls that always bullied me and I could never stand up to her.

“What is that suppose to me?” my voice was a bit shaky. Crap why did I ask that?

“Nothing,” she looked away then looked back, “You know because you’re like not his type, or anyone’s if that,” she was still grinning and I could tell she is purposely trying to put me down.

“Well be aren’t together,” I said after a few seconds of silence.

“Makes sense. I see why. Your hair is ugly, your eyebrows aren’t neat, your carves and thighs are too round, not to mention your stomach. I mean I’m not even going to start with that,” she laughed sarcastically, “your clothes are horrible, your dumb and just plain… oh how can I put this nicely… hideous,” she smiled at me as my eyes started to gloss. I promised myself not to cry in front of her. “Look all I’m saying is that Niall doesn’t like you. Or even care about you in that manner. He is way out of your league, if you even have a league. Or do you just go for whatever guy smiles at you? Because if that’s so then you must be getting zero action since your clearly oblivious to guys,” that’s it I’m going to punch her, I’m going to punch her right in the no…

“Hey ladies everything okay?” Niall had walked out of the shop with a half eaten sandwich. How nice of him to get me something. He gobbled up his food as we stood there in silence. Amber still smiling along with Niall and me awkwardly trying to walk away so I don’t cry in front of this bitch.

“Everything is fine, Liv was just saying how she is leaving so we can catch up. Isn’t that right Liv?” she looked at me with her wicked smile. I clenched my fists and nodded. I stepped around her and started to walk away as Niall wrapped his arms around the girl, lifting her up and spinning her in the air. I didn’t get a hello like that. I just stood behind them for a while as they held each other in a huge hug, him kissed her on the forehead before they started chatting. I couldn’t help it; I couldn’t see him happy with this girl again right in front of me.

I ran off, not letting either of them say another word, and either of them did. They just stared into each other’s eyes as they smiled nervously. Niall didn’t run, or shout out for me, he just stood there with the bitch. Maybe he really didn’t care for me. Maybe we were getting nowhere and he was just trying to be nice? It was happening. History was repeating it’s self.

I practically sprinted home, cry and trying not to yell. I burst through the door and straight up the stairs. Closing the door behind me, I leaned my back against it as I slid down till I was sitting on the floor. I pulled out my phone to text Daisy. When I saw a twitter notification. It was the picture that Niall and I took together at the tree and the capitation was, ‘best day with my best friend, love you,’ best friend? He thought I was his friend? Well not anymore, now I’m not going to let him get to me again, I’m going to push him away like I planned to do. I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it smashed. I was angry, upset and mostly depressed and when all these things mix together, they create something bad, so therefore I ran to the bathroom and got into the shower, pulling out a blade and doing something I swore I would never do again, but it’s not the first time history has repeated it’s self today. The blood filled water swirled around the drain and disappeared along with what little self esteem I had. I sat there as the water turned cold, and my head spun. I got out and got dressed into some shorts and a sweatshirt. The smell of dinner carried through the house as I walked down the staircase to see Maura leaning over the stove stirring a pot. I put on my best smile and tried to act like I didn’t just have a mental and physical breakdown.

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