chapter fifteen

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“Elly,” I screamed, rushing to the bed. Everything suddenly went into slow motion as I struggled to push my way past the nurses fighting with me to keep me out. Soon enough I found myself standing outside of her room, watching through the tiny window on the locked door as doctors did multiple tests on her. The tears began to stream down my face and a nurse pushed me out the way of the door, causing me to stumble over my own feet and fall, but I didn’t hit the floor. Someone had caught me and I looked up to see Louis. I smiled at him but he stood me up and walked straight into the room not taking a second glance at me or even saying hi as he brushed through the amount of people and to the side of Elly’s bed, grabbing her hand. Just as I began to step in a bitchy nurse stopped me.

“Sorry love nurses only,” she said in a harsh tone.

“He’s not a nurse,” I point to Louis. She follows my finger then looks back at me, her hand still on the handle of the door.

“He’s family,” she simply stated.

“I’m family to, why else would I be fighting to get in there,” I begin to raise my voice at this stubborn, bitchy lady. She racked her eyes up and down my body slowly.

“Urh no miss see the lady on the bed there is pretty, and you ma'm are not, plus you don’t even look a like you could be, so you’re not fooling me,” she grins and goes back into the room, locking the door. That’s it I thought, I’ve had enough. I storm down the hall, kicking over anything that got in my way and straight into the elevator, tears beginning to make their way towards the surface. The doors ding open and I step in, the family in there quickly escaping the small box. My bag keeps falling down my arm and I viciously rip it back up to my shoulder. I reach the bottom and run straight out of the building and into a sea of flashing cameras. What the hell? They all turn to me as their flash lights blind me but suddenly stop when they see it’s just me, they probably want Louis and Elly. The tears roll down my face and I push through the crowd of annoying people and run down the street, my feet pounding on the hard floor and the loud noise of flashing cameras slowly being drained from my ears as I run further and further away. I reached a park and went up to the furthest tree, my hair blowing in the wind as I run. I reach the top and fall to my knees as the tears fall off my face, making room for more. I wish I was back at Gatehouse Lane, that is where I clear my head and I need to be there right now. My head falls to my hands resting on my thighs and I sit there sobbing under this beautiful tree in the middle of a public park. I look up the trunk of the tree right up to the top.

“I need you,” I plead, “Please come back, please? I need you,” I prey and rest my head back in my hands. After a while I stand up, resting my hands on a low branch. I just put my foot on the trunk, floating above the ground, ready to climb higher, when a voice made me jump causing me to fall out of the tree and right onto my back. I wince in pain and open my eyes to a figure standing over me. A boy a bit younger then me with brown hair and eyes stand over me as I lay on my back. He is wearing a black jacket over a grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans with a beanie on his head, a huge grin plastered on his face. He was quite good looking I must say.

“Whatcha doin?” he cheerfully asks, as I still lay on the floor puzzled.

“Well I was going to climb a tree but then thought I’d have a rest on the floor,” I said, sarcasm in my tone. He laughs, still standing over me.

“Right, can I join you?” who the hell is this guy? I leaned up and rest myself on my elbows as this mysterious boy begins to climb the tree. He makes it to the first brunch and sits down, his long legs dangling over the side. “You comin up or what?” I stood up slowly and begin to climb, standing on my tiptoes to reach the branch and put my feet on the trunk. I almost fell but the boy caught me at the last minute and gave me assistance as I got up the tree and sat next to him, clinging onto the branch above my head. We sat there silently together, me looking out across the park at the adorable children trying to play soccer and the mysterious boy looking at me.

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