Chapter twenty-eight

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- Olivia -

My much needed slumber was interrupted by a mass of blonde, mixed with brown hair, towering over my curled up body. "Liv," I refused to reopen my eyes as I groaned. "Olivia," the 'a' was dragged out as he poked my face. "Kanga, come on gorgeous you gotta get up."

"Why?" I groaned, dragging the entire word out and rolling onto my side, however Niall decided to roll me back onto my back. "Nialler go away, I don't wanna play," my sleepy, childish remark made him giggle, something I could wake up to every morning.

"Come on gorgeous, time to get up."

"No, I don't wanna go to school," I groaned.

"Fine, then," I assumed he was going to get off me and leave me sleep but I was wrong, however in no way was I complaining. Instead he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, hard and passionate. I instantly awoke, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He pull us both up, resulting in me sitting in his lap. He pulled away and began to chuckle.

"What?" I questioned.

"Is that how I must wake you up in the morning?" his eyebrows raised and I threw my head back in laughter.

"Yes," I simple stated, hopping off his lap, now fully awake and walking into the bathroom to somehow contain my hair. It wasn't working, there was no way a brush would go through this. Being extremely lazy, I tied my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, pulling my pyjama shorts down so they rested on my hips and not on my ribs.

I walked out of the bathroom only to bump into Niall standing in the doorway. HIs large arms grabbed my waist as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "I've waited six long, painful years to do that. To wake up to you sleepy in my bed and be able to kiss you awake," he smiled down at me, the blush creeping into my cheeks.

"Yeah, instead you use to just hit me with a pillow or jump on me," he began to laugh loudly. "Do you remember that?" I questioned, tilting my head to look into his ocean blue eyes.

He shook his head rapidly as he laughed, "No I don't. I'd never do such a thing."

"About eight years ago, we were what? Thirteen? You had kept me up all night to watch some stupid movies and you didn't let me fall asleep till like three in the morning. Anyways morning came, and by morning I mean like 6:00/ 7:00 p.m when you decided that it was time to go for a ride to Gatehouse Lane. Of cause, having only like three or four hours sleep, I surly did not have the strength nor energy to get up and go for a ride. But being Niall, that wasn't a good enough excuse, so you ripped my blankets off me and started beating the absolute shit out of me with pillows."

Niall was almost falling over in hysterical laughter as he mumbles between breaths 'I remember that'. He finally calmed down as we moved into the kitchen to make some breakfast, I put the kettle on and put some toast in the machine. "Wow, I surly do miss our tree," Niall was sitting on the bar stools as I stood behind the counter. Both our focuses were in dazes as we remembered our childhood. "Do you remember your first ever snow man?"

I nod along, smiling at the terrible blob we made. "I remember you took forever to get our snow pile clothes."

"Hey, Doug was very unique and needed the best of clothes I could find," we both couldn't stop laughing, me also blushing as he remember the snowman name.

"Do you remember when we were playing tag and you were it, so I ran down the hill and.." I couldn't help the amount of giggles that came from my mouth as I couldn't finish my sentence. "And... and you face planted and then... rolled over your head and landed on your butt? You did like a full rollie polly down the hill?" I couldn't the tears that came with the amount of laughter erupting from my body. Niall began to laugh with me, his whole body shaking as he fell off his chair, again.

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