Chapter Forty-One: Moving Back to Barcelona

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Lionel couldn't keep the smile off his face as he made sure that everything was perfect in the house; he couldn't believe that his wife was finally coming home, it had been two weeks since she had announced that she wanted to come back to Barcelona.

“Leo breath, Viola’s flight doesn’t get here for another two hours,” Gerard joked as he watched his friend run around the living room making sure that everything was perfect.

Everyone had been happy for him when he had announced that Viola and Thiago were coming back to the city.

“I just want everything to be perfect,” Lionel said as he moved to check the kitchen, he knew that Viola had just entered the fifteenth week of her pregnancy and he wanted everything to be perfect when she arrived home.

Cesc chuckled as he held his daughter as he walked into the room; he knew that Lionel had been worried about Viola not coming back and now that she was he was thrilled.

“So what the plan for tonight?” Cesc asked as he looked around the immaculately cleaned house, he had no idea that Lionel was capable of doing something like this.

Lionel paused as he looked at his friends and team-mates, they were all happy for him after all that he had done to Viola, they hadn't thought that she would give him this chance.

“A quiet night in, you know… dinner, maybe a movie,” Lionel said shrugging making Gerard nod his head; he knew that his friend was going to have to take it slow when Viola arrived, he couldn't act as if nothing had happened after what he had done.


Viola shifted her hold on Thiago nervously as she walked through the airport, she knew that she was being silly and she had seen everything that Lionel had done to clear her name while they had been separated; but that didn't stop her from worrying about what would happen.

Thiago was five and a half months old and Viola couldn't believe how fast time had passed since she had given birth and that there were only two weeks left until Christmas.

Thiago clung to his mother as they exited the main part of the airport, it wasn’t hard for them to spot Lionel; he was nearly bouncing up and down when he spotted them.

The footballer hurried towards his wife and son, he couldn't believe that they were finally back; Viola rolled her eyes as she stopped walking and allowed Lionel to approach her.

“Hola,” the brunette greeted as Lionel kissed her before he moved to collect Thiago from her, the little boy tilted his head as he looked at his father as the footballer cuddled him close.

Viola smiled at the sight in front of her, she knew that this was where she belonged and she had stupid to walk and stay away from him; the brunette brushed some hair from her face.

“Hola how was your flight?” Lionel asked as he glanced at the person that he had sent to help Viola to from the plane to the car; he had wanted to make things go as easy as possible.

The couple started to make their way out of the airport, they both knew that the paparazzi would be waiting for them as soon as they exited the airport; they hadn't missed the fact that Lionel had travelled to the airport alone and it had made them wonder.

“The flight was okay, Thiago didn't really sleep so he’ll probably take a nap when we get home,” Viola said making Lionel nod as he handed the infant back to his mother before they exited the airport.

The footballer held back a groan as he walked alongside his wife as they walked towards the white Audi Q7 that Lionel had parked near the entrance to the airport; Viola licked her lips as she felt her husband pull her closer as they ignored the shouts of the press.

Lionel was a little more relaxed as soon as Viola and Thiago were inside the car, the footballer made sure to tip the person who had carried his wife’s luggage for her; he couldn't wait to have her home and safe.

Climbing into the driver’s side of the car, he flashed Viola a small smile as he started the car; he hated the fact that he hadn't been able to pick her up without all of this trouble.


Lionel grinned as he settled Thiago down to sleep in his nursery, the footballer was thrilled that the little boy was back in the bedroom where he was meant to be; he had insisted on being the one to settle his son down for his nap.

“I’m glad that you and your Madre are back, I don’t know what I would do without you both,” Lionel said as he ran his fingers through Thiago’s brown hair; he smiled as he thought about having his family back with him.

Viola grinned as she watched her husband; she knew that she had made the right choice about coming home, she didn't belong in New York anymore and it had become clear to her that this was where she was meant to be.

“Leo,” the brunette murmured as she walked towards her husband, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his; she didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

“I can’t believe how fast he’s growing up, we’ll have to baby proof the house soon,” Lionel whispered as he stared at the sleeping little boy.

He knew that he had been an idiot for ever doubting that Thiago was his and he would spend the rest of his life making up for the months that he had missed in his son’s life.

“I know… just wait until he’s running around,” Viola mused as Lionel turned to face her, he kissed her softly as he moved towards her; he didn't know what he would have done without her.

The couple left Thiago’s nursery, Lionel grinned as he looked at his wife as he pulled her into their room; he had redecorated the entire house after he had gotten rid of Antonella, he had done it in hopes that Viola would come home.

The footballer rested a hand on the small swell that the brunette now carried; she was fifteen weeks pregnant, he grinned as he looked at his wife.

“I can’t believe that we are having another one,” he said with a grin as Viola smiled at him, she had worried a little that with the first few weeks of her pregnancy being filled with stress that she would lose the baby that she was carrying but things had been going well.

“I think it’s a girl,” Viola said making Lionel grin, he had always wanted one of each and he hoped that they would have a little girl that completed their family.

“I’ve already started on the next nursery, I don’t care what it is as long as it’s healthy,” Lionel mused he moved his hand away from her stomach; he pulled Viola close as he thought about how lucky he had been to have her back in his life. T

he brunette grinned as she kissed her husband, she wrapped her arms around his neck so that he could deepen the kiss; he was all that she had ever wanted and Viola knew that she had made the right choice in leaving behind her life in New York to come back to him.

“So what’s the plan?” Viola asked as she pulled back from Lionel, he smiled as he looked down at his wife; he knew that he had a lot to make up for, after what he had done to her and he hoped that he would one day earn back the right to call her his wife.

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