Chapter Four: Heading Back to New York

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Shifting nervously, Viola bit her lip as she glanced at the departure board in Fisherton Airport, Rosario.

The brunette was waiting for her flight back to New York with Lionel and Matías, so that she could pack up her things before she moved to Barcelona with Lionel.

Viola was wearing a grey tunic in crepe and black skinny jeans paired with black ballet flats for the nine and a half hour flight back to her home so that she was comfortable.

“So, where do you live in New York?” Matías asked as he tried to ease the awkward silence between his younger brother and his fiancée; the two hadn’t spoken to each and it was clear that neither of them wanted to, even though it would make the entire situation easier for them.

“I live in Bushwick, Brooklyn,” Viola said gently, she smiled at the thought of her apartment and her two room-mates; she couldn't believe that she was leaving her home of four years behind.

Matías nodded as he glanced at his brother, he could see that Lionel was sulking still about the engagement; however since there was no way for the small Argentine to get out of it, Matías thought his brother should make the most of it and get along with Viola.

In a few months, the couple were expected to be married and then the talk about Grandchildren would begin even if they weren’t ready for it; Celia and Jorge would expect Viola to have a baby in the first couple of years of marriage.

“Is the commute far to work?” Matías asked as he nudged Lionel, who glared at him; it was clear that he would rather be traveling back to Barcelona than helping his fiancée pack her stuff to move in with him.

“About an hour to get into and trough the city by subway… then it’s about a fifteen minute walk to studio,” Viola said making Matías nod with interest before their flight was called over the speaker system.

Getting to her feet Viola collected her tanned leather punch-out tote as she offered a glance to Lionel who was turning his mobile off.

The brunette had a feeling that he was going to mope for a while about their situation and wasn’t going to make this easy on either of them.

“Ready?” Matías asked gently, he rolled his eyes at his brother who was already walking a head of them towards the gate without looking back.

Viola nodded as she made sure that she had her passport and boarding card with her before they headed off for their flight.


The next ten hours of travel were spent in awkward silence as Matías tried and failed to get Lionel to speak with Viola; the brunette sensed that it would be a while before he fully trusted her.

Taking a deep breath, Viola unlocked her front door and allowed the three of them inside; she knew that her two room-mates would be at work so they were alone until later that day.

The brunette couldn't stop a smile forming on her face as she spotted something small rushing towards her; Viola scooped up the black and white kitten that mewled at her with a smile set on her face.

“Marley… did you miss me?” Viola cooed as she cuddled the kitten to her, she grinned to herself as she forgot that she wasn’t alone; Lionel and Matías watched her, the oldest brother smirked as he spotted the look on his younger brother’s face as he watched Viola with the kitten.

“Is the kitten yours?” Matías asked as he moved to look at the small kitten, Viola blushed as she looked at the two argentines; she had completely forgotten that they were there.

“She is… I found her at the rescue centre that I work at a few months ago and I fell completely in love with her,” Viola said as Matías stroked behind the kitten’s ears making her purr and rub against her hand.

“We’ll have to make sure that she can come with you then,” Matías said making Lionel glare at him as he crossed his arms; Matías knew that Lionel had a Labrador at home and that bringing the kitten would cause a little trouble.

However the moment that brunette grinned at Matías for saying that she could take Marley with her; Lionel couldn't help but smile at the sight of her happiness.

The Argentine knew that this meant a lot to her, she was already being forced to fly across the world to move in with him; he was going to have to make some sacrifice at some point.


The rest of the day was spent with Viola sorting through her things while Matías made the arrangements for Marley to join them in Barcelona; Lionel watched as his fiancée started to pack her suitcase full of clothes.

Marley jumped into the case and started to settle herself on one of Viola’s jumpers; the brunette rolled her eyes as the kitten purred until Viola lifted her out of the suitcase and settled her on one of the bed’s pillows.

“You know… instead of just watching at me you could help,” Viola mused making Lionel stare at her, he was leaning against her bedroom door frame while she continued to pack her clothes. The brunette sighed as she stopped and looked at him.

“Listen… I don’t want to marry you as much as you don’t want to marry me, but like it or not we are getting married so we might as well get used to it,” Viola said making Lionel sigh as he nodded, he couldn't deny that she was right about that.

The two were quiet as the brunette moved back to packing her suitcase, Lionel watched her silently for a few seconds before he moved towards her.

“I’m sorry… I know I haven’t really been that welcoming the last few days, it’s all been a little bit of a shock for me,” the Argentine admitted making Viola pause and look at him; she nodded understandingly as she folded the shirt in her hands.

“That’s all sorted… as long as Marley’s had all of her injections, we only have to fill in a form and then she’s able to fly with us to Barcelona,” Matías said as he walked into the bedroom.

Viola continued to pack while Lionel awkwardly sat down on the bed causing his brother to raise an eyebrow at them amused; he could tell that he had walked in on them bonding.

However before anyone else could speak, the three heard Viola’s front door slam shut before they heard people talking; the brunette rolled her eyes as she stopped what she was doing.

“Chris, I’m home…” Viola called shaking her head amused before her best friend hurried into her bedroom and hugged her; Matías and Lionel stared at the man hugged Viola as a second one appeared at the door.

“Blaine look Lala’s home,” Chris told his boyfriend, who rolled his eyes before glancing at Lionel and Matías who were watching Viola and her friend with curiosity.

“Sorry about Chris… he gets a little too excited sometimes,” Blaine said making the two Argentine’s look at him, he flashed them a smile before collecting his boyfriend and dragging him out of Viola’s bedroom and towards their own.

The brunette brushed some hair out of her eyes and looked at Lionel and Matías; she had a feeling that her life wasn’t going to be so bad when she moved to Barcelona.

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