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Bix: tro baby it's okay

Bix: do you want me to call you ?

Troye: please

Jacob clicks the call button, it rings 2 times before it gets picked up. Troye breathing heavily on the other end.

"Hey tro," Jacob whispers in to the phone "can you breathe for me babe"

Jacob hears Troye take in a large breath and then a small "mhm" from him.

Jacob can still here Troye breathing heavily and fast
" listen tro, in and out, in and out. Then count to 5," Jacob says, "can you do that for me"

"Yeah, yes," Troye says breathlessly "thank you".

"Troye," Jacob starts "I think you should talk to your mom about this"

"Jacob," Troye pauses "I can't. It's not that easy, I mean you came out once didn't you," Troye asks through the phone clutching it like a life line.

Jacob exhales softly before he replies "yes I have babe, but my parents had already assumed because I never had girlfriends or anything and I never played sports or did all the things 'guys' would do and I really only had one friend growing up and that's a girl, so they pretty much prided out of me."

Troye stays quiet for a couple of seconds before he talks "wh....what..would I say or do. I can't just go up to them one day and be like 'oh hey guys forgot to tell you i'm gay no biggy'...i'm.. I don't think I can do it Jacob," Troye finishes

"But you can Troye, you can. It's not that hard your parents love you no matter what troye. I think they would be one hundred percent supportive of you" Jacob says "and if anything you can come live with me" Jacob finishes with a giggle.

Troye let's out a surprise giggle of his own "right because for all I know you could be a 60 year old axe murder."

Jacob let's out a loud laugh, Troye thinks he likes the sound of it. "didn't we already have this conversation?"

"Yeah but you never know" Troye says slowly. "Anyways I think i'm going to hold off a little bit longer to tell anybody else because I basically did just figure it out"

"Figure what out," Jacob challenges smiling smugly behind the phone. "You know what you ding bat" Troye replies.

"I know, I know. I just want to hear you say it baby." Jacob says. Troye likes the way he calls him that.

"That i..im..." troye trails off.

"Go ahead babe it's okay. It's just me." Jacob whispers encouragingly.

Troye inhaled deeply ".....That i'm gay," Troye says weakly.

"That your what. I couldn't hear you" Jacob says.

"That i'm gay." Troye says louder.

"See That didn't hurt you baby. Good boy." Jacob says practically Cooing at Troye.

"Thank you" Troye says oh so softly " I think i'm good now. I'm just going to go to bed it's getting late and I have school." Troye finishes.

"Your welcome baby, have a goodnight text me tomorrow" Jacob said in his deep raspy voice. Damn that's sexy Troye thought. OOP

Well. That's new....

"Okay I will" Troye says getting ready to hang up. But he hears Jacob before he does.


"Promise." Troye hangs up the call.

After the call Jacob just sat there and thought about Troyes cute little voice, and how Troye trusted him enough to calm him down and help him out. He cares way to much. Someone save him.


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