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That night when they finished packing and we're ready for the flight at 4 in the fucking morning, Jacob bursts into Troyes room freaking out.

"You'll be fine they will love you!" Troye says smiling fondly at Jacob because of course Jacob would be nervous to meet Troyes friends.

He's so precious.

"But what if they don't Troye, they already think its to early for us to be meeting and, and what if they hate me," he says while pacing across the room.

"What if they hate me Troye" Jacob finishes out of breath from pacing.

"They won't. There is a reason why I hang out with them. They like everything." Troye says crossing the room to stand in front of Jacob.

"And I like you too" Troye pauses and wraps his arms around Jacobs waist, wiggling his body until Jacob wraps his arms around Troye "they will like you" Troye finishes.

Troye can feel Jacob let out a heavy breath when his head is pressed to Jacobs chest.

"Okay" Jacob sighs out.

Why is Jacob so worried about Troyes friends? Everyone likes Jacob, Troye can tell. Jacob can probably charm everyone and everything.

With his beauty and height and his really pouty lips and his bum. Fuck. His bum is ama- off track here Troye.

The point is, Jacob shouldn't have to worry about Troyes friends not liking him because Troye likes him.

Troye lifts his head up from Jacobs chest. "If you are really freaking out you can sleep in my bed with me tonight."

Troye can see Jacob hesitate for a second before smirking and shaking his head.

"Okay well we better get to bed now then because we have to get up in like..." Troye cranes his neck to look at the clock on his night stand "shit. 4 hours."

"Okay then take me to bed baby" Jacob says and pulls Troye to the bed as they both flop down. Jacob on top of Troye.

"Move off your going to kill me. You're too heavy" Troye whales from under Jacob, smacking him wherever he can reach.

"Hey! I'm not heavy." Jacob fake pouts. "Take it back."

"Okay, okay you're not heavy you fucking giant, now get off!"

Jacob finally rolls off but before Troye can get too far. Jacob is pulling him back against his chest and wrapping his arms around troyes waist.

Troye sighs.

"Night night Troye" Jacob kisses Troyes cheek.

Troye forces out 'goodnight Jacob'

That's how it is for the rest of the time they sleep. Pressed close together Troyes back to Jacob chest.

And Troye tries his hardest not to get hard. To not think about how Jacobs dick is pressed right up to his ass.

And if Troye does get hard Troye just curses his dick for that.

sorry for any mistakes

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