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Troye doesn't know how but he's drunk, he can't even drink and he's fucking drunk.

He's drunk and he's dancing with some random guy in the club, and it's not like it's some hopping around dancing, no it's some dirty, sweaty grinding going on.

The guy (troye doesn't remember his name) has his chest pressed to Troyes back with his hands on Troyes hips grinding against his ass to the beat of the movie with troye grinding back against him.

Troye doesn't know how long he's been dancing with this guy but long enough for him to start imagining the hands on his hips and the dick he can feel pressed up to his ass are Jacobs. Fuck he wants Jacob.

He wants to go find Jacob but the guy he's dancing with has a very strong grip around him so troye turns over in the mans tight grip and leans up on his toes to whisper in the mans ears.

"Hey, im going to go get a drink or i'm going to pass out I'll find you later." Troye rushes out leaning back to look at the man, he leans down to Troyes ear and says " alright babe hurry back though I want to see what this ass looks like up close" and smacks Troyes ass to finish.

Troye just nods his head and quickly turns around and starts walking looking for any of his friends. He spots Jed in the corner talking up some girl and Connors sitting at the bar looking bored.

He walks up to Connor and sits next to him sighing and placing his head in his arms.

"Y'know Jacob was watching that whole thing, and he's still watching you"

Troye looks up and over at Connor, " what?"

Connor nods his head over by the far back corner of the club, the opposite side of where Jed is, " Jacob. He's been watching you this whole time man, go over and talk to him it's hurting me just looking at him" Connor says giving troye a smirk.

"I'm to drunk Connor what if I say something stupid like...I want you to fuck me or what if I can't help my self and fucking kiss him?" Troye slurs looking over at Jacob who's looking at him. Shit maybe he should go over to him.

"Okay first of all never say that again second of all maybe if you say that and let him know it will happen and you guys will fuck.." Connor trails off.

" well...I don't know Connor...I just really want him... and I want him" troye says getting off the stool and stumbling over in the direction of where Jacob is.

"Okay troye well you make no sense...but you go get em tiger"

Okay here is this for right now but I promise the next part is coming very s**n i'm just on vacation rn so I don't really have time but the next chapter is going to be gooooooood ((;

One more thing should I do a character ask????

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