Chapter 3

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Cale's POV

I had done all I could do and I was exhausted. Even with Nyarai's help I wasn't sure I would pass. I lay down on my bed and stare up at the roof, it was strange that Nyarai had been so kind to me. She had always come across as so cold and kinda cruel in the past. I had been wrong, very wrong.

Outside the stars twinkled with cheeky mystery. They could see everything I could not. They saw the man with strange abilities and an even stranger body leap over my fence despite it being two metres tall. They saw him stand in the yard and gaze up to my window. The they saw him scale the wall and peer into my bedroom window; and they did nothing to stop him.

As he saw my sleeping body there was a smile on his lips. He had found the right one.

Did I want to be the subject of his attention, if I knew what it would mean I would have ran and hid. But that wouldn't have helped at all, you can't hide from a god. Much less the god of the wild.


The big test was upon me and I had a very uneasy sleep for reasons I couldn't explain. I had footy training early in the morning but I slept through my alarm and ended up having to run to school. I figured running was part of my training so at least I got something in.

But as I ran my stomach turned, the feeling of the uneasy sleep still hadn't left me. It was like someone was following me. And what strange dreams I had had. They were similar to the dream where something is chasing you, only I was the one doing the chasing and I couldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried my muscles would not obey me. And what was worse I could actually see what I was chasing. They were people and they were terrified. I didn't recognise them but the look of horror on their faces shook me to my very core.

When I arrived at school Nyarai had the same white faced expression that I had donned but there was no time for talking only for the test. I sat down taking sips of water as if they would fill me up and give me enough energy and brain power to get a good score on this test.

In the end I ignored my grumbling stomach and put my pen to paper.

I had never been so academically gifted like Nyarai. I envied her and her friends sometimes. They could be anything they wanted to be. My only talent was sport, that was all I could be. There was so many other things I wanted to do and try. But my parents.... they thought anything other than sport for me would be a huge waste of time. So I would get so support in it. Biology related to the body so I was allowed to attend this class. Even though I found it to be extremely boring. They would be pissed that I missed training today but I couldn't care less at this point. My real passion was to paint. I would walk past the art rooms after training and peer in hoping to catch a glimpse of the beauty created in those rooms. 

After I finished my test, or answered every question I could to the best of my ability I found myself doodling as my mind wandered back into that dream. The fear that I had created made me swallow hard. I looked down at my hand.

I had drawn a lion. Vicious teeth that could murder, eyes filled with rage.

I drew a big cross through it. I was anything but that.

Meow Myths,

Sorry about the very very short update. I had some assignments that crept up on me hope you like it anyway.

First published 10/4/18

Meow for now

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