Chapter 4

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Nyarai's POV

Too much study always brings about strange dreams. I had always found that.

Tonight I was ... some kind of animal. I couldn't put my finger on what but it was big. And powerful. Oh boy was it powerful. I felt as if I could tear apart a house. If I wanted to. Instead I was running with some kind of group... a pack I suppose, of animals. They were all under my control.I was the proud leader. I felt as if I was alive and I could never be alone. This togetherness warmed me to my very core.

When I woke it left me. But it also left me wanting more of it as much as I tried to get back to sleep I could not. The dream was over and those beautiful animals, whatever they were, were gone. I wanted nothing more than to find them and be with them again.

Instead I rubbed my eyes and got up to start making breakfast for Zodwa.


Zodwa and I stood on the bus bright and early in the morning. We made our way to the back of the bus as we had a long journey ahead of us.

Zowda put her headphones in and she was instantly lost to the world. I smiled at her and wished I could do the same. Instead I was reading through my study cards. Memorising. I was so intensely focused on them that I didn't notice anything around me. Until a flash of brown caught my eye.

A man had entered the bus. He had a hat covering his eyes, his clothing was crumbled, unwashed and visibly dirty but despite this he didn't smell bad. In fact he smelt like the forest. He walked down the bus and sat in the seat right in front of us.

I stopped myself for staring and focused on the cards. But I couldn't help my eyes from sneaking a glance at him. He gave me a smile from under his hat.

"What are you studying?" his voice was soft and honest. Despite that I was startled that he spoke and it took me a few seconds to respond.

"Biology," I replied and looked back at my cards as a he nodded.

"You shouldn't stress yourself about biology, trust me. You won't be needing where you're going," he whispered.

My brow furrowed and I looked up. Nothing. There was no one there. I looked around the bus but there was no sign of him. The only thing left, the scent of the forest.

I nudged Zodwa, she snapped out of fairy world and pulled a earphone out "Yeah?"

"Did you see a dirty man?" I asked, white faced.

She shook her head almost laughing at me "what are you talking about?"

It must have just been my imagination. But honestly I would have expected this from Zodwa not myself "nothing," I replied shaking my head.

Was he threatening me? I swallowed hard.


The test was first lesson and I arrived early. I tried looking through my cards but I couldn't get that man's smile out of my head. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I was shaken. He had actually scared me even though I had no idea what his intentions were, what if he was just talking about adult life. My brain tried over and over to make excuses for what he had said, trying to twist his words to make them less threatening. I felt like I was going to drown in these thoughts.

I wasn't even certain that he was real.

Cale showed up and to my horror he had the same white face as myself. Had the man bothered him as well? Was he really... real?

I wanted to speak to Cale but the bell rang and the teacher forced us inside for the beginning of the test.

As I was seated I took deep breaths. No matter what I was going to ace this test and I was going to be successful in life no matter what some random man on a bus that may or may not be real said to me.

I blocked all else out and began the test.


It was no challenge and I answered every question with certainty. I was satisfied with my work and the teacher called time up and walked around to collect all our papers. Once she was done then we were allowed to talk.

I rushed to Cale's desk.

"How'd you do?"

He smiled but the white look hadn't quite left his face "well much better than I would have without your help."

"You're so sweet. I aced it."

He smirked but there was something so very off "Of course."

"Hey Cale, is there something wrong?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head "no just a weird dream I guess."

"Yeah, I had a rough morning too there was this creepy guy on the bus," I explained shivers creeping up my spine.

He scrunched up his face "I hate that, they always smell so bad too."

"Yeah... they always do," I replied.

The bell rang and we all piled out of the classroom. I said my goodbyes to Cale and search for my friends.

I found them at the lockers as usual.

"Hey guys," I smiled and walked over.

Dan turned and smiled back "let me guess... you um.... aced the test?"

I nodded "well of course."

Dan rolled his eyes sarcastically. I opened my locker and out drifted a sticky note. Dan gave me a strange look and I bent down to pick it up.

There was one word written in big bold texta:

And there was only one place that note could have come from

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And there was only one place that note could have come from. And there was already giggling. But they had started something. Something they couldn't win.

Meow myths,

Wrote this chapter in one sitting in about half an hour. I'm quite impressed with myself. But I guess that's just what happens when you have inspiration. 

So now we have spent 3 chapters with her, who is liking Nyarai? She's a character I haven't really written before but I'm liking it. She's a lot of fun.

First published 12/4/18

Meow for Now

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