Chapter 8

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Cale's POV

The creature didn't scare me at all. I was intrigued by it but as I stood by my easel in the early hours of the morning I couldn't think for the life of me of what it actually was.

I knew that it was huge and furry but that really didn't narrow it down. It was getting late and I had school tomorrow still I couldn't just leave it. I had to do something so it would settle my mind a little at least.

I took a deep breath and held the brust to the canvas then closed my eyes and let my hand go where it wanted. It slipped and slid around the canvas but never off it, it was harsh and soft. But most importantly it calmed and soothed my mind. I continued until it was done even though time was ticking. It had to be completed or else I would be thinking about completing it. Sleeping was a difficult task as a secret artist, who can only paint when they should be sleeping.

Finally I opened my eyes. Lit by moonlight both in the room and from the painting was a wolf. It stood alone in the middle of a road framed either side by trees. it was extremely rough but even so I could see the pain and longing in its eyes.

It was so lonely.

I bit my lip because that wolf spoke to my soul. I could feel tears in my eyes, which might have been from staying up so late.

With that I went to bed and allowed the painting of the wolf to dry, alone.


It couldn't have been a wolf that I saw. It just couldn't have been. This was Melbourne Victoria. But there was no mistaking it. It wasn't a husky. That was a wolf and a big one at that. Surrounded by what looked like Australian trees.

I guessed I had nothing to worry about though. it's not like I was painting from memory. I don't remember anything from that night it was way too dark. 

I must have looked troubled because my mum gave me a funny look and asked over the music in the car "What's wrong?"

"Just had a weird dream I guess."

She made an "oh" mouth movement and her attention went back to the road once again. She wasn't going to press me for details. If I didn't want to give them she didn't want to know them. It was as simple as that. besides what could I say. I saw some kind of big dog last night and it made me paint a wolf.

That doesn't sound like something that would put an 18 year old boy off. But for some reason it really did.

She dropped me off without another word. 

Today I had my footy gear with me. I had training after school. My schedule was insane. But that's what it took to get drafted. I shoved all that in my locker and my team surrounded me as well as the usual girls who hanged around them. Their conversations were boring and my mind kept drifting back to the animal that I had seen. I just couldn't get it out of my brain. It had imprinted itself onto the walls of my mind.

My first class was physical education... theory. Probably the most boring class in the world. I could help but to doodle and it wasn't weird because the rest of the class did the same. My notebook had more sketches than notes in it that's for sure.

I was restless. I shifted about uncomfortably in my chair as the teacher droned on. I could have gotten up and gone for a run willingly. That's a first. But I just need something to clear my mind. And I was avoiding picking up that ever so tempting pen. I didn't need any more heart wrenching lonely wolves. I didn't need an emotional outburst during class. But the teacher was almost asking me to with her long and detailed speech about each of the bones in the human body.

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