Chapter 20

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Alkira's POV

The Great Melbourne forest was a haunting place. Alkira looked around at the swaying gum trees. They groaned in the wind and dropped branches and leaves constantly. The wind with it's mighty roar from the fact that there could be all matter of dangerous creature lurking within.

And yes, the wind did make the forest dangerous a branch could weigh a ton and kill you instantly. However there were other reasons she knew why it was so dangerous.


She new a small part of what made the forest so dangerous to not only mortals. She foolishly hoped that because she had seen them so recently that they wouldn't be around and wouldn't bother them. She had no reason to fear them for they had never harmed her. But those eyes.

The shattered eyes.

Every time she thought of them she felt like she could throw up. They were only two "people" of the forest. What else was out there? Alkira didn't know but she agreed with Nyarai strongly. They needed to get out of there. After all. Alkira did have her dust on her. 

All of it.

Nyarai looked at all of them "So guys we need to take stock of supplies. We don't know how long we're going to be walking for."

She looked around at the group. Everyone unzipped their bags and started rummaging through them. 

Alkira peered into one of her own bags, looking at the glowing dust. She zipped that one back up. No need to draw attention to it.

Cale was first, carrying only a small flat backpack "Well in terms of food, I've got a few protein bars."

Naoko and Alkira groaned.

Nyarai was hopeful, "No that's not too bad guys, they can keep us going if we ration them," she looked at Cale again "continue."

"I do have a little first aid kit," he opened it "mostly stuff for taping up injuries."

"That's good," Nyarai encouraged, smiling nervously.

"Yeah that's it really aside from my phone and wallet which are just about useless."

Naoko went next "Well lucky for you guys I have left overs, and my asian mum always packs way too much food for me. She packed extra extra food because I was going to do spots."

Nyarai smiled "awesome."

"Only problem is it probably needs to be eaten today," Naoko rummaged through her bag "I've got a torch, a lighter, but it's not mine I swear, sewing/repairs kit, a change of clothes, a change of heels which are stiletto so they could be used as weapons and a ton of makeup."

Nyarai nodded "The torch and the lighter actually will be really good.

Naoko chuckled "who knew my smoking boyfriend would come in handy."

Their eyes turned to Alkira and her many bags. 

"Well..." Alkira started.

"Why do you have so many bags, what were you doing in the city?" Naoko asked.

Alkira's mind rushed around trying to think of an excuse "I was ... going to stay with my sister."

"That's a lot of things for a sleepover," Naoko pressed.

"Anyway," Alkira started "I haven't got any food only money, which is a lot of use out here I know. But I've got rope and a grappling hook and many other things."

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