Chapter 24

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Nyarai's POV

One ring to rule them all or rather one word to rule them all. Nyarai was reminded of Lord of the rings and forever would be reminded of lord of the rings when she heard that word. It would rule her life in a similar way.
However that she could not know yet.


A word she had never heard before rung out in her head. By the forth repetition she began to deconstruct it. Werecats, would have to be like werewolves. Like Garnet who could shift into a giant wolf. But what did a werecat shift into? Oversized house cats? The word cat was so broad there were so many different types of cats. Would they shift into big cats? If so which ones? Surely it made more sense for them to shift into a big cat. The nature of a werewolf is so destructive and aggressive surely a werecat would be similar? Man and beast as one, how could that not be destructive?

Her mind attacked the word from different angles, like the beast she imagined she would become. Or was the word attacking her mind, warping her perception of reality in every different way it could imagine.

Everything around her didn't matter, just the word werecat.

It was to be her new life.

For the first time it was not her to speak up first, it was Alkira the quietest of them all instead "We are all werecats."

The alpha nodded gravely "Yes all four of you."

Naoko was next to speak "It that a bad thing? It sounds like a bad thing."

He looked at each of them, Nyarai felt that his eyes lingered on her. Something unknown to her burned in them with intensity.

"No quite the opposite actually, werecats are rare and powerful myths. There is only ever one of each kind of cat and you four are four of the six that exist," though his voice was monotone Nyarai put her own emphasis on his words

Cale spoke next "The god Pan made us into werecats."

The alpha nodded slightly, "Yes they are tied heavily to the gods, or so I've heard."

Nyarai looked at the Alpha with intensity, he was twice as big and her and stone-faced but she needed more answers. Through her own confusion and the whirlpool of her own thoughts she could think one thing clearly. "Why are you the only one who as been able to identify us?"

He met her gaze with cold and dead with experience eyes, they had see it all, seen too much "As I said, there are six of you. I'm no expert on werecats but I think I might be the only one who knows of them around here."

Nyarai turned her head to look at the others. They were all fascinated it seemed. Looks of wonder on their faces, probably imagining what their life will become. Naoko's face had more than just a look of wonder but a huge smile stretched across it. 

"So does that mean we can shift into cats?"

The four stood outside all facing the Alpha and Garnet. The scent of roses and exotic flowers filled Nyarai's nose, it was on the fine line of almost overwhelming. It felt like being in some kind of fantasy movie. The new people facing the experienced in a beautiful setting, ready to learn. 

"We will shortly find out which cats you are, from what I know there are the tiger, lion, lioness, puma, leopard and cheetah," the alpha looked to Garnet "would you like to do the honours?"

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