Chapter 36

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Alkira's POV

Alkira hadn't thought about Dust for a while. She had been actively keeping it from her thoughts as she was worried the others would be able to read her mind. But the dust seemed to know that and was haunting her.

She kept her bag holding her dust collection far from the eyes and minds of the Pride. Though she didn't know how they would react to it or if they would even care. But it was her secret to keep from them.

However, no matter how much she tried to ignore it she kept seeing dust everywhere she went. It wasn't like the dust she had collected this she couldn't touch or hold. But there was no doubt that it too was dust. When she woke in the forest as a Werecat she had seen it. Faint shimmers of it on the bodies of the Pride and on herself. It had disappeared very quickly so she had thought it was just a trick of the eye or perhaps some of the dust had escaped her bag. The goblin they had met had dust around him Alkira had thought it was very strange but when they got to the wolf pack dust hung heavy around there though no one seemed to react to it. So she ignored its glow and it stopped revealing itself so often. Whenever they would shift a spray of dust would rain down on the ground below.

Alkira had quietly come to the conclusion of two things, the first was that she was the only one who could see dust and the second conclusion came in two parts being that Dust was linked to mythical creatures, they produced it with one exception. The demon they had fought in the forest didn't make any dust. The werewolf and goblin both made dust but Alkira could tell that it didn't. The eyes of that beast were shattered but that wasn't its only link to them. Alkira knew for sure they were myths but she had never seen the dust around them. So either she had gotten the ability when she became a werecat, which she highly doubted, or more likely they were the same as that demon.

They were demons.

It made a lot of sense but sent a shiver down her spine.

As she looked at the date she tried to keep her emotions under control. But she didn't know what would happen if she didn't show up. She didn't want to risk it. There was only one choice.

To go.

There she could cut it off forever.

The Pride couldn't know, so she would have to sneak out... Past werecats with supernatural senses. She was instantly grateful for Nyarai at that moment for her break down. It would likely give her enough cover to sneak out. So she waited for nightfall.

Tahi was overwhelmed and after some food, she was able to go to bed. Though Alkira doubted she would be able to sleep. They all felt for Tahi. Now they were trapped by Pan. Alkira was still completely fine with being dead to the world. That night she had intended on leaving everything behind anyway. This was what she wanted. Nyarai was still in her frozen state of shock. Cale had to pretty much carry her to her room. Still, they worried about her. Though there wasn't much they could do beyond being there for her. Naoko and Cale were shaken too but they kept checking on Alkira though her reasons for being distant were quite different. Eventually, they too when to their rooms.

And Alkira let out a big sigh.

She slunk toward the door, noticing she had a newfound skill for stealth. She guessed everyone was lost in worlds of their own as she slipped out of the door. Closing it silently behind her she was free. 

Getting there was easy. One of the advantages of living above a train station. 

Travelling with the dust always racked her nerves however now she knew what she was afraid of. It didn't help. The fact that she was a werecat made her feel a little better. Watching the world zoom by in the darkness reminded her of more carefree days. When she was out she was carefree but dread would always fill her when she returned home to her mother. Things got so much better when she found the dust. Her mother no longer had control over her. Now she didn't even have to go home. It was even encouraged never to see her mother again. 

The last station on the line, Alkira stepped out into the country air and she began her long walk to the meeting point. By motorbike, it was so much easier. Soon the small town fell away behind her and forest crept towards her. There was no light around but now she didn't actually need it. 

She passed a speed sign of 100kmh and found the familiar trees. 

The bag of dust in her pocket seemed to burn a hole it in as she waited. It was always the worst part. Her skin crawled all over and every sound of the forest made her jump out of her skin. 

Soon though familiar coats morphed out of the dark forest. She kept eye contact with them this time. As they came closer she could see those broken mirror eyes. There was no mistaking it. They were just like the demon's. They were demons.

They stopped.

"Two cups?" asked the low gritty voice.

"More than that," Alkira pulled the bag out of her pocket, this time full.

"We do not have enough payment," the voice wasn't angry, just neutral. Good.

"I don't care just take it, I have to stop doing this. Consider it my last payment," Alkira held out the bag for them.

Their only reaction was to reach for it. She expected something more. Something was definitely off. She looked back and forth between the two as one of them took the bag. But they did not reach for their pockets. They stood and stared at her. 

Goosebumps crept up her skin.

"Well?" she asked. 

One reached into their pocket and pulled out the small bag. They tossed it to her but as they did the other pulled out a small gun and as she caught the bag a small blast erupted in her chest and blacked out her vision.

First published - 25/10/2019

follow me on twitter for a good time @werecatleopard

Next update - 8/11/2019

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