Chapter 23

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Naoko's POV

Naoko should have been more upset. She was in awe of everything, newly gained powers, though she wasn't sure what they were and a whole other world. Sure she had been put in some serious danger. But she wasn't scared by it, quite the opposite actually she was exhilarated by it. She could feel power coursing through her veins with every beat of her changed heart. 

She could become someone else.

The body of Tagz was being held a few paces ahead of her. The way he was killed was so swift it felt like she was in a video game. She of course was sad at what happened but the knowledge that he had given her echoed around her head.

There was a whole other world just under her nose, all this time. Like many children Naoko had wished that there was something more magical to life beside movies and books. But as she grew up her wishes died with reality proving the mundane was all that there was. How was she to know that it was reality was a lie and all she had to do was to venture into the forest. But the memory of Tagz' death reminded her that she would probably have uncovered the truth right before her death. The past was unchangeable and Naoko was excited with the way fate was unravelling, to become something else with a group of people. Surely they were all feeling similar things. For the first time in her life she truly felt like she belonged somewhere.

And though her eyes were filled with tears, that made her smile.

Garnet was the werewolf's name and she was taking them to the Bright Star's pack house. As the walked Naoko's mind rifled through all the werewolf packs she had read about. Judging by the way Garnet was behaving she imagined a large house with sexy boys walking around shirtless with a dark and mysterious alpha.

When she arrived she wasn't too far off.

Garnet led them through the back gate of a mansion. Beautiful well kept gardens rolled out and surrounded a grand mansion of gray stone. On one of the many lawns there were, as Naoko predicted shirtless boys wrestling while others still attractive but wearing shirts watched and chanted. Naoko was committed to Ian but that wouldn't stop her from looking.

The four looked around in wonder. There were plants unknown to them, some fantastical some foreign. Alkira clutched her bag tightly but even she wasn't immune to the wonder that poured out through all of them infecting each other and strengthening itself. If one garden could have this affect on them Naoko wondered what the future would have in store for them.

The werewolves all looked up at them when they walked in. Even from far Naoko could see their noses twitching and their curiosity peeking.

Garnet led them through the garden proudly. The scent of the magical flowers was heavenly to Naoko, she wanted to lean in close to them and smell them deeply but she hesitated. There was an air of caution that bit through her wonder. The other werewolves looked at them with it. Despite it Garnet continued forward and they followed seemingly unable to do anything else. 

As they reached the werewolves one brave wolf approached Garnet, he was shirtless to Naoko's dismay. 

"What are they?" he asked.

"That's exactly why we are here, to find out. Where is the alpha?" the authority in Garnet's voice was so different to what they had seen. 

"In his office," the other werewolf said matter-of-factly but his fact was still full of apprehension. 

Garnet pasted the body of Tagz to him "take this to the dwarven city."

He nodded grimly, taking the body and completely understanding what it was despite its size. 

Naoko kept her eyes locked onto Tagz' body as it was taken away, her first introduction into the world was gone but as she looked back at the mansion something told her she would learn the truth. 

Garnet led them in. The other werewolves froze in their place but they loomed forward as if they wanted to stop her but couldn't. 

The inside of the house was just as grand as the outside, high ceilings, decorated thoughtfully in every corner, flowers from the garden scattered throughout leaving pops of colour against the dark wood. It was overwhelmingly big. Like a palace or an extremely wealthy school. 

"How many werewolves are in your pack?" Naoko whispered.

"Oh maybe 40," Garnet said as she darted toward the stairs. 

The others exchanged looks as they tried to keep up. 40 werewolves existed in this one mansion and they all managed to stay hidden. Naoko's mind practically drowned with questions as huge as, do you harm people and as mundane as how do you feed that many people without raising suspicion from the mortal world. But she kept her mouth shut as the climbed the stairs. The dark wood seemed ominous like it deserved respect  and wasn't to be questioned. Naoko wondered how someone so light hearted as Garnet had some out of this place. But again, she said nothing. 

They reached the top of the staircase. Big double doors with grand golden handles. Garnet didn't hesitate she practically leapt forward and pushed through them.

A huge man sat at a grand desk, his head buried in paperwork. He seemed to rough to be the kind doing paperwork yet his huge scar scattered arms and rough hands held a held a slender and dwarfed pen. He looked up at Garnet as she casually strolled in. His face remained ever grave. 

The four stepped forward. 

His voice was deep and low though it rattled Naoko's soul despite him only speaking three words which were; "Who are they?"

Naoko couldn't look at him anymore. Her eyes glued themselves to her boots. He was so intimidating she was sweating for no reason other than unearned fear.

"They are my mate and his friends, and they would like to know what they are. I thought you might actually be able to tell them," Garnet leant on his deck. He hardly acknowledged it.

"Your mate huh?"

"Yes the blonde one," She looked to Cale "but Alpha..."

He looked at Cale then to each of them. Naoko felt her eyes wander to his as if it would be disrespectful not to meet his gaze when it was directed completely at her. Great deep lines appeared on his nose.

Then he uttered one word that would change everything. A word that would have the greatest meaning to them all, one that they would desire to hear over and over again. 


Meow Myths,

Not really happy with the quality of the chapter but I was determined to get another chapter up by the end of the month so here we go~

Finally they know they are werecats, only took me 23 chapters :P

First published 29/11/2018

Meow for Now

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