Chapter 41

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Cale's POV

The cell was empty. How could it be empty? How could it possibly be empty? His eyes darted around every inch of the cell but there was no one to be seen, wall to wall. 

Cale fell to his knees, his head hanging.

"Where is she?" He whispered.

Behind him, other shocked noises gasped from the Pride. 

It had been so quick, a matter of minutes and Alkira was gone. It wasn't possible she had to be moved to some strange location not far from here. Cale looked up at the cell again, at least there wasn't any blood in it. There didn't seem to be a struggle so perhaps she wasn't in a lot of pain. But the crushing defeat of seeing her in one moment then her being taken so quickly stung, his heart and his eyes. 

Sarika who had just killed a demon and bitten off its finger pulled him to his feet.

"Come on," she whispered, "we have to go find her now."

"Do you think they know we are here?" Tahi asked.

A flash of panic was clear in Sarika's eyes for a brief moment, "no, they would have demons ready and waiting to attack us if they knew."

Naoko sniffed the air, "I think I can track her." 

They all turned to Naoko as she looked down the hallway. 

"Then let's go, now," Sarika gripped Cale's arm tight and they all began in that direction.

There was more urgency this time. Taking someone out of a prison cell was never a good sign. Sarika didn't want them to run but they walked as fast as possible. Nearly getting caught many times only to have Sarika save them. Pulling Naoko back on swift feet and a with tight grip. Caution was a little thrown to the wind, fear was not pressing down as hard. 

Cale wondered for a second what they would have done without Sarika, they would have likely met the same fate as her Pride he guessed. Leaving her to be the only survivor once again. Pan would have seen them all as a waste of his strange effort. Even though it seemed like it was taking forever with all the breaks Cale was grateful for Sarika.

Naoko led them up to the ground floor which was a small relief as it was closer to their forced and only exit. Though Cale did pray that it wasn't discovered. If only she had been there, he had thought that finally luck was going their way for once but it was only to have their hopes come crashing back down. 

On this level, there were far move demons. The progress was infuriatingly slow. Cale just wanted to charge in but he held back with settling for internal screaming. 

Not soon enough Naoko paused and looked back at Sarika and the others, "She just over there but there is a lot of demons."

They all looked at Sarika.

"Well we're going to have to fight then, the only other option is to wait and watch but demons are too unpredictable for that," she whispered. 

"What's the plan?" Cale asked.

"Be quick, get Alkira then run like hell. I'll take out as many as I can while you two lions grab her, the rest of you distract the demon but don't engage in fights because you'll likely get grabbed," she looked at Cale and Nyarai.

Nyarai was now switched on and she nodded at Cale with fierceness in her eyes. Cale gave her a nod back as well as a small smile. It was so nice to see her back in reality not suffering all alone. Tahi and Naoko looked a little nervous but stood ready for action.

"Everyone ready?" they all nodded in unison, "let's go."

Sarika shot out in front. Her speed was unheard of, she was across the hall in cat form and ripping apart a wolf-aspect demon before Cale could even get around the corner. He was half expecting to hear a sonic boom. 

Alkira was held by two human-aspect demons being hauled along and surrounded by an entourage of scary-looking demons.

Cale finally unleashed his rage and charged right into them along with the rest of the Pride. Together they thundered down the corridor, all in cat form. The walls and floor trembled from their power. Cale let out a roar followed by Nyarai.

He and Nyarai leapt forward and bit the demons holding Alkira, sinking their fangs deep into their shoulders. The other werecats descended upon the rest of the demons, though they were outnumbered they were fearsome, growling and swiping at whatever was close.

The demons let go of Alkira and she looked at her now freed arms and ran to Naoko throwing herself onto Naoko's back.

Sarika saw Alkira running free and growled loudly, the werecats all back off and they started to run. The demons followed and as they progressed through the building more and more demons joined them. Adeline pumped through Cale's veins but even in cat form he couldn't help but smile. They were powerful and together they had gotten Alkira back.

First published - 20/1/2020

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