Chapter 39

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Naoko's POV

Hearing Sarika's story stamped fear into Naoko's mind. 

These demons were not to be messed with. They knew exactly how to kill a werecat, and they barely knew how to use their powers. However, Alkira was trapped inside there. There was no way they could just walk away and leave her in there. They had only really just met Alkira but their bond was strong and the right thing to do was clear.

Yet, it was terrifying. The horrid scent of the demons tickled Naoko's nose and made her skin break out in goosebumps. She was chilled to the bone and looked at Cale, Tahi and Nyarai. They were all processing what Sarika had said none ready to speak. They had all come here so determined but now faltering and failing was a real option.

Naoko looked to Sarika, a stranger yet a fierce determination not to let them pass was lit in her eyes. A determination not to let them make the same mistakes she did. Naoko could respect that but some things were more important.

"What about Alkira?" She asked in a voice smaller than a whisper.

"They have her?" Sarika looked Naoko in the eye.

Naoko nodded, "What can we do? I refuse to leave her here, who knows what they'll do to her."

Naoko looked back to the others. They all nodded in agreement, even Nyarai despite not being fully present in the moment. They stood together, as a Pride.

Sarika bit her lip, "Well we can't fight our way in that's for sure, we are going to have to be sneaky. Have a clear exit path if a fight happens, it will be flight instead of fight."

They all nodded.


Naoko had never been stealthy before. Being a goth, despite wearing so much black, was never really any kind of stealthy. Now she felt as if she could be suffocated one sound could ruin everything. Getting past the guards at the front was almost impossible so they snuck onto the roof instead. Making sure to cover their scent. Sarika had told them that some demons could smell as well as they could so it was very important. Though luckily werecats were difficult to track. Sarika carried around a strange device with her, it looked like a perfume bottle but when she sprayed it into the air all the scent in that spot disappeared. So Naoko was given the job of taking up the rear and spraying it as they went. She had her fingers crossed hoping it wouldn't run out. Yet she was extremely grateful Sarika had such a useful item with her.

Cale and Tahi were quietly tearing up the roof, Naoko had her lips pressed together but her eyes conveyed her anxiety to Nyarai. The tension was so thick Naoko could taste it, could swim in it, could touch it. 

With the tiniest of sounds, the roof had come up and they started to slip down. Naoko lowered herself down and Cale caught her and lower her onto the ground. The hallway was cold, dark and empty. Only one flickering light at the end of it, gray concrete covered the floor and the walls giving it a uniform ugliness.

Now they were all on the ground they glanced at each other before sneaking down the hallway. All nervously looking around, sniffing and listening out for demons. As soon as it was all clear they were able to turn the corners, the process was slow but they had to be careful or else they would find themselves in the centre of a bees nest. The corridors snaked around making Naoko increasingly nervous. 

There were no directions, the building had some strange chaotic layout but after overhearing some human aspect demons talking they found out the prisoners were being kept in the basement. 

They search for stairs everywhere in the back of the illogical building but they were no were to be found. So slowly they had to creep their way into more guarded areas. Being careful and sense each werecat kept their eyes moving and alert. All directions were taken care of but still, they felt vulnerable. 

Sneaking past a giant snake-like demon they were able to find some stairs. Quickly and quietly they ran down them. 

The lower level was just as difficult to navigate as the higher one though there were fewer demons. Naoko was nervous as they were so far from the exit if something were to go wrong but it was ok, it was somehow miraculously all ok. As if the gods that had cursed them with their abilities were smiling down upon them because soon they came to jail cells. 

Sarika looked around hopefully but they all seemed to be empty aside from one. A bronze cage for a werecat with a terrified Alkira sitting inside.

First published 14/12/2019

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