Chapter 1

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Nyarai's POV

I was on track for a very high score when I finished high school at the end of the year. I could almost taste Melbourne University. Or maybe I could have gone overseas, to England or America gotten a scholarship and started afresh in a complete different and foreign culture. I would finish university and get a high paying job, then maybe do something amazing with my life, find the cure to a disease that long since needed a cure or become the very first black female prime minister. There was really no stopping me.

When I was a mortal... 

All it took was one night, it's funny how that is. Always just one night to ruin a life. But I promise you this night was unlike many, only very few could even compare. So don't turn away because you have not heard this one before.

But my story didn't start with that night. 

It started with the last semester of year 12, the last half of the last year of high school.

I was helping my little sister, Zodwa with her homework in the library. She had just started high school and her uniform was way too big for her. As of course she was wearing my old uniform that I had long since grown out of. Exams were coming up but she was struggling. It was hard to make friends and she had spent half the year alone. So I let her be with my friends, like we were much fun though. We wouldn't help her reputation being the nerds that we were. But still the smile on her face when I suggested the idea made it all worth it.

Mrs Leoni the librarian other wise known as the best teacher ever walked over to us "the little sister, we finally meet, I'm Mrs Katia Leoni."

She held a hand toward Zodwa which my shy sister timidly shook.

"So is she going to be helping you cure cancer Nyarai?" 

I smiled "No, Zodwa here is an artist, I suck at drawing but she can draw the most life like pictures."

"Maybe she should be in the art room instead of the library but either way," Mrs Leoni said with a smile "there are hundreds of pencils and always a seat waiting for her here."

My sister's shy face cracked the smallest smile one of the first I had seen from her at school.

Mrs Leoni left us to study and we went on without a problem until the bell rang. Zodwa parted ways with us and we left the safe haven that was the library to face the outside school. Being there six years didn't make us brave to the horrors but it did make us knowledgeable, we knew trash to expect. That's the only survival skills we had learnt in those six years. But isn't that how it always goes for teenagers, the smart and dedicated ridiculed and the stupid admired.

But we navigated the halls, splitting into smaller and smaller groups until it was only me left alone. I waited outside my classroom and there was Cale Blackwood surrounded by all his friends. Blonde hair so perfectly swept up and to the side. His eyes brushed past me as he saw the true beauties of the school behind me. They had only taken biology because everyone else was doing it. But they would be alright, scouted as models this year. They were only getting more popular and successful. They would go onto be just as successful as anyone who actually tried in high school and used their brain in life.

Cale looked at them in the same way he would look at them everyday, with want in his eyes. We had shared classes all through high school but I could count the number of times he had spoken to me on one hand.

Monique, the head beauty tapped me on the shoulder "hey girl is there a test today?"

"No but there is one tomorrow," I replied.

"Damn... I had a feeling, Beth what are we going to do?" She turned to her second in command Beauty.

"I don't know," Beth wailed.

I flipped through my folder and pulled out a piece of paper "this is what's on the test, go through the textbook and study those things, you should be fine if you can."

I had already finished my study of course. I wasn't going to lose a mark. They however would be lucky to reach a pass but showing them kindness would always benefit. You don't want to piss off the popular girls.

Monique took the paper from me with a smile "thanks! What's your name again?"


"Cute name," Beth smiled looking at the paper.

Just then the teacher came and let all the class in. As I was making my way to the back of the room Cale approached me and he sat down beside me. On the same table as me, centimetres away. 

"I know this is kinda weird but you're friends aren't in this class and I kinda need to start focusing since exams are only a few months away. So hopefully sitting next to the smartest girl in the room will help me," he smiled at me, that smile melted my heart. 

Finally Cale Blackwood had noticed me. And I wasn't going to blow it.

"I'll try to help you best I can, if you're willing to put in the work you'll benefit," I smiled hoping he couldn't tell I was blushing.


And with that awesome Cale and I went on a journey that would entwine us in so many ways. he would repay my help tenfold. And we were yet to see the true benefit from our companionship. It would reach far beyond any test score.

Alpha to Beta

Meow Myths,

First chapter! Eeeeeeeee  @ClaireandMaxina  So what do you all think? Are you as excited as I am. It's a short chapter but I haven't even decided how long these chapters will be yet, I guess I'll just have to go with the flow.

First published 4/4/2018

Meow for now

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