Chapter 34

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Nyarai's POV

"A high school party," Alkira remarked looking to Cale, "that's your scene isn't it?"

Cale rolled his eyes.

"Well it certainly isn't my scene," Naoko added.

Nyarai glared at all three of them, "Who cares who's scene it is, can you be serious right now?"

After forming the Pride connection all four of them had tracked the fifth member to this house. Some kind of secret party was going on. Not a secret from what looked like an entire year level but a secret from the parents of the host. Though they couldn't see much of the inside of the house the garden was trashed. Lights and music blasted out of the house like an assault to Nyarai's ears. She didn't quite know what she was looking for but something told her it was here. Though patience was not with her. Her sister was alone with her father thinking she was dead. She needed to see Pan and question that trickster god, maybe violence and a scene would be needed to force him to undo what he had done. It didn't matter to Nyarai.

Any means necessary.

The others sensed her fierce determination and they too fixed their eyes on the party. All of them recognised the formations of the social groups though that didn't help. After all, the requirements for being a werecat weren't clear at all. In their Pride was an athlete, a goth, an outsider and herself a nerd. All of those groups were presented before her as well. She figured by that logic the 5th member would be something else. Maybe art or theatre or band. It was rather hopeless to guess. Eliminating the social groups they were already apart of would cut it down but there were too many students. Too many possibilities. Who would be bound to them by that strange god?

Stress, anxiety and panic fell over Nyarai's body and she froze in place her eyes darting wildly over the party.

Suddenly a big goth boot blocked her view. Naoko had stepped out of the bushes. It was enough to snap her out of the daze she was putting herself into. She looked up at Naoko with utter confusion.

"What are you doing?" Nyarai hissed. 

The newly found connection between Naoko and herself only showed determination on Naoko's end. Nyarai couldn't get too mad but she was still on edge. There was no way they weren't going to see Pan. They had gone through too much to just scare him off now.

Naoko looked down at her, "We can't see anything from here. We're teenagers we should just join the party and see if we can work out who it is."

Alkira laughed, Nyarai sighed, "What a stupid idea of co-"

Cale cut her off, "-Naoko and I will get a better look. We'll tell you if we see anything."

He stood up and joined Naoko outside of the bushes. 

Alkira shrugged and glanced down at Nyarai, "No offence but hiding isn't really my style."

"You're a tiger aren't you supposed to be stealthy!" Nyarai growled and Alkira shrugged, "We really can't mess this up."

"We won't mess it up, I just don't want to miss it," Cale kept his eyes on the flashing lights of the party. 

Nyarai stood up from the hiding spot, "How could we possibly miss it?"

Alkira smirked at her, "We got bitten in the middle of flinders street station and that was somehow ok. He's a god, a trickster god too."

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