Chapter 26

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Alkira's POV 

Goddamn that smile. That thought had almost made her laugh out loud. It was a god's smile. A god that had decided her fate but somehow she was pleased. He had actually given her what she wanted. Any other way her mother might have tried to look for her, maybe even gotten the police involved. But a dead body answered any question as to where she went. 

Even if it was a fake. 

"Him," Nyarai's voice sounded more like a growl than English. 

Alkira supposed that her anger was justified however now that she had a person to point her anger out she wouldn't be angry at everyone.

Naoko and Cale seemed genuinely too shocked for words. 

Alkira snorted and raised an eyebrow at them "How can you be surprised, of course it was him?"

Naoko screwed up her face "But why?"

Alkira's smirk disappeared as that question struck through her. Why? Well why to any of this. But it seemed dare she think it, even more weird than turning them into mythical creatures. It was so beyond any reason or logic she could grasp. Alkira bit her lip.

Silence hung in the air. No one knew why or could answer any of this. Pan's green eyes and white smile was paused before them on the screen. Taunting them with his undecipherable mind. Alkira looked into those forest eyes. As if she could find answers there. As if anyone could. The depths of them couldn't quite be captured on screen. When she had first seen him in the bar even in the dim light, she had looked into them and it had been like walking through a forest. The grass and fallen leaves tickling her ankles, branches of full leaves caressing her body and a warm sun shining green light through the canopy overhead. The few pixels given to his eyes only captured the fact that they were green. Though they might have captured more if he weren't squinting in that smile that mocked her. It said, I'm in control of your life not you. She wondered if maybe that night when they had first met was he planning this? Did he have a replica of her body ready to go?

Suddenly the screen flicked to black. Nyarai holding the remote gently placed it beside her. She turned to garnet "Where would you find the gods?"

Garnet gave her a confused look and her eyes fell to Cale for a moment "Ehhh Olympus I guess."

"Greece? We have to go to Greece to get answers?" Anger flared in Nyarai's voice.

"If you go to Greece you'll be sorely disappointed."

Alkira turned her head to see the Alpha standing in the doorway. The thick lacework of scars was covered today by long sleeves but the scary toughness was still there in his expression. His voice was deep and foreboding even if that's not what he was going for.

Nyarai however was not intimidated by him, at least right now. She looked at him dead on "Then where do I go?"

"Not Olympus, you'll find gods there but not Pan. He's a minor god not an Olympian. Pan is the god of the wild and you'll find him there."

"What in the wild?" Nyarai mocked "that really narrows it down."

 The Alpha didn't seem to take offence from this he merely continued "My guess he might be with the other 2 werecats, seeing as there are only 4 of you. If not then it will be just short of impossible to find him."

Nyarai's frustration dissolved "how do we find the other two?"


"This is going to help us find the other two?"

They stood in the dome, right above the place they had all been abducted from. The dome of Flinder's street station rumoured to be completely empty as a teenage boy had lost his life trying to explore it. Alkira and the werecats found that yes, it was empty, of a sort. Empty of life but not of furnishing. Decadent dark stain wood, velvet and ornate carvings. Like a queen's bedroom Alkira thought.

And this the wolves owned.

"Yes but not right away," the alpha replied in his deadly calm voice.

Nyarai threw her bag down on the blood red persian rug "do we look like we have time."

"How do you suppose you find the other two cats? Shall I have my wolves form a hunt?" the alpha asked, leaning forward slightly, Nyarai had no reply to this "like I said you will need to bond as a Pride, form a connect strong enough to be able to speak in each other's minds, then and only then will you be able to contact the other werecats."

Garnet clung to Cale's arm. 

The Alpha took notice of this "I'm sorry my dear Garnet but the werecats must be left alone to achieve this. There will be other times to be with your mate."

Garnet pressed her lips into a thin line and walked over to the Alpha letting go of Cale's arm.

The Alpha looked to each of them "I have taught you all I know of werecats. But remember you must stay together, you are like werewolves, better united. Also it would be wise to share your sercets," his eyes seemed to rest on Alkira as he said this "once your minds have linked there will be none."

The Alpha and Garnet left, leaving the werecats all alone.

Meow Myths,

Do you think we need a new cover for this book? Something more exciting?

Also I'm going to try and post updates of this more than twice a month. I'm sorry it was a busy month of work.

first published - 24/1/19

Meow for Now

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