Chapter 15

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Cale's POV

"Seriously dude, leave me alone."

The mysterious man with the stunning green eyes had found Cale once again. It was early morning and Cale was walking to school because his mum had an early morning hair appointment because of a disaster. Her platinum blonde hair had become green after a dip in her friend's huge indoor pool. It had been a huge drama that Cale for the most part had sat out of for obvious reasons. But he could still hear the wails of despair ascending to the heavens from up stairs. It had resulted in a 20 minute morning walk. Not that Cale minded too much. Time to himself was appreciated. However as he came to a crossing there the man was, seeming to be waiting for him.

"I will I will I just had something important to tell you," the man explained.

The little green man flashed on and Cale started to walk not waiting to see if the man would follow. Unfortunately he did. Cale sighed "What is it?"

"The next time you see me will be the last time you see me."

"I hope so!" 

The man rolled his eyes "Why do they always act like this? It couldn't be because of me right?" he muttered under his breath, then said more loudly "I will give you the greatest gift then I will be gone."

"It's going to be your penis isn't it?" Cale growled and turned to the man but he was gone.

Cale let out a shaky sigh trembling slightly his eyes flicked around. The man was nowhere to be seen. Cale was sure he didn't imagine it but seeing no sign of the man made him doubt himself completely. Why on earth world he imagine that?

Shaken Cale continued on his way to school.

There was no more signs that the man existed. And by the time Cale got to school he had calmed down a little but still hadn't forgot. How could he forget? The man had said something potentially threatening. And Cale didn't even know his name.

Sitting down in a classroom helped quite a little. He pulled out his timetable and was sad to see that he didn't have Biology today which would mean no Nyarai. Somehow she helped to comfort him. It was strange that he longed for that class so much, in had easily been his worst subject for the last semester. Nyarai made all the difference.

The day was about as advantage as a day could be however his morning made an impression on him that he just couldn't shake. It was like a presence that loomed over him. he constantly was looking over his shoulder and his stomach churned with nerves. When the finally bell rang and footy practise was on again he was happy not to be left alone. As if the man with the sparkling eyes would show up at any second, he felt better with his team surrounding him. The man wouldn't dare try any funny business.

We got out onto the field, Cale was placed in the back line for some reason, probably for improvement which didn't quite make sense but he wasn't going to argue with the coach.

Cale stood out in the field bored as the ball remained at the other side of the field. The guy he was on crept closer and to the action. he stayed behind keep an eye on him.

Suddenly Cale was tackled. His first thought was why are they tackling me? He didn't have the ball. When he hit the ground, quite hard, he realised it wasn't a guy. It was a girl. Her mane of black curls draped down on him framing her face perfectly. A sprinkle of freckles was tossed over her cheeks. Her body was strong and her clothes ripped.

Her eyes studied his face, they were deep brown and curious.

She smiled and she had that kind of smile that you couldn't help but join. She lowered her body and pressed it against his and she whispered in his ear "Mate."


"You're my mate," she hugged him tightly and a warm feeling spread through his body.

"I don't even know you... " Cale tried to push her off but she wouldn't let go.

Cale's team mates, who had seen the whole thing crowded around. They helped to pull off the crazed girl, another helped Cale to his feet. The coach ran over. 

"What's going on?" the coach croaked.

"I am Garnet of the Bright Star Pack and that man right there is my mate," She wrestled herself free from the players with ease.

"I've never met her before!" Cale cried as the girl came running back at her. 

The other members blocked her path and she glared up at them. Cale looked at her. There was desperation in her eyes. She had to get to him. 

"You have to leave the field now. We are trying to practise," The coach took her by the arm and walked her to the edge of the field. The whole time she kept eye contact with Cale.

"What's her problem?" 

"I don't know," Cale resumed his position.

The girl tried to watch the entire game but by the last quarter she had disappeared. Cale was a little relieved that she too wouldn't try to follow him home but at the same time he was curious. What had she wanted and why did she tackle him to the ground like that. No normal person would do that. She clearly wasn't normal. Those deep brown eyes lingered in his mind. There was something off about them. She was certainly not normal.

And as he sat in his mum's car he wondered about the mysterious girl, he also knew in the back of his mind that he would see her again. Just like the man with the sparkling eyes. He wouldn't be left alone just like that.

That night, Cale returned to his cave to paint her but to his horror he found he was out of black. He cursed under his breath but tomorrow was the weekend, he would make the special trip to the city to get another black paint.

Meow myths,

It's been a while, but don't worry I'm not giving up on this story I just needed a little break. I hope you can see where I'm going with it :P

Meow for now

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