Chapter 11

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Alkira's POV

Alkira couldn't sleep that night. For once it wasn't because of her meeting with Them. It was the girl and the boy she had seen in the hall. Thinking about them made her restless. She need to meet them and talk to them. Just to figure out why... why she was drawn to them so strongly. Alkira didn't know what it was. 

She needed to clear her mind. She threw her coat on and marched through the house but she was stopped. By a plastic cup that soared through the air in a somehow perfect arc and hit her on the back of the head. 

Alkira didn't dare look back.

"Where are you going girly?" her mother's drunken screech assaulted her ears. 

"Nowhere important I promise," Alkira hissed under her breath.

She slipped through the front door just in time to miss a glass bottle that shattered on the door handle, right where she had been. 

Outside Alkira sighed deeply letting the cold air fill her lungs and blew a warm cloud into the the dark air. That bottle was aimed at her but she was smart enough to know how to dodge it and when it was coming. 

The bottles were always aimed at her.

Alkira leapt onto her bike and drove away. The bike let out a huge roar and it sped down the suburban street. Alkira felt her phone buzz against her ribs but she ignored it enjoying the simple pleasure of watching the world race by as she flew into the city. 

Melbourne city was alive, even on a Wednesday night. It was always alive with twinkling lights almost as bright as the souls of those who lived there. It was a place where anything could and did happen. Whether Alkira knew it or not, it was the world's centre of a society that Alkira was apart of. So many faces made it easy to get lost in a crowd but one day Alkira would would shine brighter than any, she along with the others would be the Melbourne star. Glowing above all others for the world to admire.

Alkira parked her bike out the front of her favourite bar. The Blue Moon Bar. It sat on the outskirts of the city, on Russell street and Victoria street. It was almost forgotten by the rest of the city. And it was Alkira's favourite place with it's blue lights and simple chairs and tables. It was nothing fancy which was just to Alkira's liking. 

She sat in a corner away from the sad and lonely men who muttered to each other about their unfulfilled lives and pulled out her phone. It was her mother of course asking for her to bring home a bottle of rum. Alkira rolled her eyes. She was underage, still she was always served here. 

Turning off her phone she saw across the table she had company. Big green eyes reflected the blue light.

It was the guy outside the school. Alkira's eyes lit up in alarm. "Are you stalking me?" She hissed at him.

"I wouldn't use that word," the man smiled.

Alkira was disgusted she stood up "Leave me alone I have enough to deal with."

"Sit down Alkira."

His voice was commanding she could do nothing but obey it.

"I mean not to hurt you," he started.

She interrupted "that's what they all say, then I find myself raped and murdered in the street!"

He rolled his eyes "I have no sexual interest in you. You're a feisty one but an easy choice."

"I won't go down that easy," Alkira reached for the dagger in her boot.

"That's not going to work," She froze and he continued "again I have no sexual interest in you and if I wanted to hurt you I would have already. I just wanted to ask you something..."

Alkira sat up straight crossing her arms over her chest she just wanted to be alone "Spit it out."

"If you had a chance to change the world for the better, would you take it?" he was dead serious and his eyes bore into her's. This was a real question and she needed to give a real answer. The importance weight down on her but she only had one answer.

"Who wouldn't."

He smiled and got up "Next time I see you it will be the last."

"Thank god for that," she whispered under her breath.

Despite the music he heard her "Gods, Alkira, gods."

He disappeared into the crowd.

Alkira sank back into her chair and sipped her drink.

She wanted to think he was connected to Them but she couldn't. They gave her an icy feeling he was warm, natural and kind as far as she knew. Either way he was from their world not her own and she didn't know what to make of that. 


Alkira was on time, there for the first lesson even. But she kept her eyes peeled and focused on the halls. She need to see those two. She was restless in her chair answering her textbook questions when she could but otherwise gazing to the window. Gaining disapproving looks from the teacher. At least she wasn't bothering anyone. 

It had been many months since she had been to the first lesson of the day. She would have been exhausted but she was kept wide awake by the possibility of meeting them.

The trip to the bar was supposed to calm her down but it only made her more jittery. She was determined to figure it out even if that meant becoming a good student in the process.

The bell finally rang and Alkira jumped out of her seat having packed up ten minutes before the bell. She sped through the class room and got out into the hall. Here she froze and her eyes darted around, scanning each face as they emerged from their classrooms. 

No luck she spotted neither of their faces. Defeated she slunk to the cafeteria and bought her lunch. She sat and ate alone thinking deeply. She would check all the common meeting places. First the library. It had been years since she had entered it but it seemed to be where the older students spent time, need good internet connections and references for their essays.

Alkira crossed the boundary and entered. Despite being a library it was quite loud, students of all ages were there reading, studying, playing games or just hanging out.

Alkira explored it shelves piled with hundreds of books stood before her but they weren't what caught her eye. Down the back of the room in a circle with a few other people was the black girl. 

Alkira smiled.

Meow Myths,

Personally Alkira is my favourite but let me know, who is yours? Well I mean we haven't met everyone yet :P.

I hope you've all had a good week and don't forget to comment and vote and share and all those things.

First Published 12/5/18

Meow for now

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