Ending school in Finland

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A/N: when text is into these * marks, you talk english. When normal " you speak Japanese (author should be careful with these things). Enjoy! :)

Waiting for your next lesson to start your friends came to you and started to talk where they are going after ninth grade.

"Mietin alussa että menisin Helsingin lukioon , mutta vaihdoin sen tohon lähi lukioon. (At first I thought I would go to high school in Helsinki, but I changed it to that neighbor high school.)" You friend (F/N) said.

"Meidän tiet sitten erkanee. Entä sä (Y/N)? (Our paths will separate then. What about you (Y/N)?" Your other friend asked.

"Ai mitä? (Oh what?)" You asked confused.

"Lukio, mihin lukioon sä hait? (High school, what high school did you claim for?)" (F/N) asked.

"No en ainakaan Suomeen. (Well at least not to Finland.)" You said. They looked at you amazed.

"Siis sä oot menossa ulkomaille?! (So you are going to abroad?!)" They yelled at the same time. Everyone on the hallway turned to look at you.

"Shhh..." You said. "Lähden Japaniin opiskelemaan koko lukion ajaks ja katon mitä teen sen jälkeen. (I'm going to Japan for my high school and see what I'll be doing after that.)" You said.

"Mitä sä Japaniin asti? (Why to Japan?)" your second friend asks.

"Mulla on sukua siellä. Olen katsokaas puoliksi japanilainen. (I got relatives there. Look, I'm half japanese.)" you told them and saw how their eyes widened.

"No kiva ku kerroit. En ois muuten mitenkään arvannut. (Thanks for telling. Otherwise I wouldn't have know.)" (F/N) said. After that the bell rang and you went to class.

*Time skip to the last day*

"Tulee kamala ikävä, mutta muistakaa olla reippaita oppilaita, jotta tulevat opettajat eivät ala vihaamaan teitä aivan heti. (I'm going to miss you very much but remember to be active students so that your new teacher doesn't hate you, at least not right away.)" your teacher said and looked at back row where most of the boys were sitting and eating their ice creams. You were on your table checking out what numbers did you get and eating your own ice cream while listening the teacher to talk.

"Millon se sun muutto päivä on? (When is your moving day?)" (F/N) asked. You turned to look at her. Her numbers were mostly ten but there was also two or three nines.

"Miten hitossa sulla on noin hyvä todistus?! (How the hell your certification is that good?!)" you asked.

"Rankkaa työtä. (Hard work.)" she said. "Et vastannu kysymykseen. (You didn't answer to my question.)"

"Olen Japanissa huomen aamulla ja aloitan opinnot ylihuomenna. (I'll be in Japan tomorrow morning and I start my studies day after that.)" you said. Noticing her mood getting down you had to ask why was she making that face.

"Me ei sitten ehditä juhlia jos sä tänään jo lähet. Muistakkin tulla sitten takaiskn moikkaamaan meitä! (In that case we have no time to party if you leave today. Remember to come back to see us!)" she said.

"Todellakin! Mun perhe on täällä. (Totally! My family is here.)" you said when suddenly your other friend slams her hands on you table.

"Mitkä numerot?! Anna tänne. (What numbers?! Give it to me.)" you gave her your certification and she checked it out.

"Parempi kuin mun. (Better than mine.)" she frowned.

"(Y/N) lähtee tänään. ((Y/N) leaves today.)" (F/N) says.

"Mitä?! Ei! Meidänhän piti juhlia yläkoulun ja varsinkin peruskoulun loppua. (What?! No! We had to party since it's the end of ninth grade, especially end of junior high school.)" she said as she slams her head on the table. You try to make her take it easy as your whole class, for the last three years had turned to look at you three.

"Kerro sitten kun löydät elämäsi rakkauden. (Tell me when you find the love of your life.)" you blushed at her words.

"*Shut up*!" You said. Your teacher then left you to enjoy the summer holiday, which you sadly didn't have. But did you mind? No! Because you were ready to start high school earlier than other, even thought you had already start your Japanese high school work since you start the semester later than others in your new school. You were ready to: enjoy the summer heat in Japan, make new friends, new memories and many many other things.

When you reached to your home, you went straight to your own room to pack things you hadn't packed yet. Mostly rest of your clothes and some other things what already aren't in Japan. You changed your beautiful (f/c) dress to your casual clothes and took your bags close to the front door.

"Mom! We have only few hours and we have to get to airport!" You yelled to her while she was in the living room reading.

"Okay honey! How was your last day? And what kind of certification you get?" You walked to her and told how your last day went. You had made a dance show with few of your friends and also sing in a choir. You also made an act with some peoples from your acting class. You then gave her your certification. She said it was wonderful and then you went to show it to your father.

Your father told it was good but you could have done better, just to tease you. And before you even knew it, you were hugging you twin brother, mom and dad. Your sister (22) was impossible to come since she was living in Spain with her soon to bee husband. After check up you rolled your bag to your gate with number 31.

"*Gate number 31 is open. We ask for everyone from gate 31 to get in the plane, please.*" you went troughs the gate and went to your own place, just to ask someone taller to put your bag in the cabinet. Finally you could sit down, wait for the plane to leave ground, watch how Finland got smaller until you could barely see anything, except woods and fields, (that you've thought are scary since you were smaller as your sister told you, that if you go on a field an alien could get you and eat you) and after that drift asleep. Only to wake up in Japan.

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