Evening before game

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Nekoma's managers P.O.V (they have a manager now, just don't notice her)

"All right!" The game ended. I was standing with the coaches watching the game and after it ended we walked to building we were staying. We had yet again win another team. I checked my phone and saw that I had few unread messages. I opened them.

'Can't wait for tomorrow. We are coming to there to play. These guys are really excited to win over you. Good luck with the team!' Fist one of them said.

'You okay there? You haven't answered to my messages. Guess what, we just washed the uniforms and handed them to guys. You should have seen their faces. It was hilarious! Especially our new first-years.' I quickly reply to them and then walked down the hallway and stopped in front of guys room to listen.

"About our destined opponent, Karasuno... Do they have female manager or not?" I heard Yamamoto say. "I bet yakisoba bread that they don't have."

'In fact they have two.' I thought. It was kind of weird that these peoples here didn't even notice me.

"What? I'd prefer that they did, so my bet is that they do." Inuoka said after him.

"Me too." Shibayama said.

"Jackasses. We don't, so won't it make you mad if they do?" Yamamoto said.

'I knew it. They don't see me as a person.'

"What if they had a beauty for a manager?" Yamamoto continued. I sighed. "I wont ever forgive them! I never will."

'So that's how it's supposed to be.' I heard him going to the window. I started to took few steps and then stopped to listen some more. Yamamoto yelled out of the window and get Kuroo angry.

"Shut up, Yamamoto!" After that Kenma started to talk.

"I'm kinda looking forward to it. Our match against Karasuno." I still could hear their voices while walking to my room and taking my phone out.

'Can you bring someone who can cut hair with you? I think a change could be a good idea.'

To Karasuno

You walked over to boys room and it was really close that Hinata and Kageyama would had run over you. Only their yelling made you jump away just in time. You sighed and walked to the room you shared with Chiyoko. After shutting door you still could hear Daichi's yelling.

"Hey (Y/N)." Chiyoko started. You lied down on the futon.

"Yeah?" You asked staring at the ceiling.

"Can you cut hair?" You turned to look at her.

"Yes. My aunt from fathers side teach me how to do it perfectly. She was hairdresser." You said.

"Good. I need your help. My friend told me to bring someone who can style hair. Guess she is going to change her style finally." Chiyoko told you. "She has really long bed hair and no one can see her face. Except on shower and when she has her hair back." You were just going to say something when your phone rang. You excused yourself and went outside.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hei (Y/N), se on me. (Hey (Y/N), it's us.)" You recognized they voice and started to speak the right language.

"Ahhahh... Anteeks. Oon ollu kai vähän liian kauan Japanissa. En ees kattonu numeroo. (Sorry. I might have been too long in Japan. I didn't even check the number.)" You said.

"En ihmettele. Hei, arvaa kenet nähtiin just jätskibaarissa! No (random boy's name) tietysti. Se on ruskettunu ihan sikana ja on tosi hyvän näkönen nyt kesällä. Ja arvaa mitä muuta. Se tuli juttelee meille ja kysy mihin lukioon ollaan haettu. Sanottiin mihin haettiin ja se on kuulemma tulossa samaan. (Not wondering. Hey, guess who we saw at the ice cream bar just now! Well (r/b/n) of course. He had get really tanned and is really good looking now at summer. And guess what else. He came to talk to us and asked what high school we are going. We told where we are going and he said he's going to the same.)" (F/N) told you very excited.

You sighed. You had been in love with (r/b/n) but when you confessed he told you he likes girls who are more matured and grown up. When you confessed and got rejected you were in eight grade, had almost flat chest and with that you still wear you sisters old clothes and some clothes you had use when you were in sixth grade so... Besides he told you that you were too short!

"Kiva... (Nice...)" You said.

"Ummm.... Soitetaanko me vähän huonoon aikaan? Meinaan et siellä ollaan kuiteski kuus tuntii edellä. (Umm... Do we call at a little bad time? I mean the clock there is six hours ahead.)" (F/N) said.

"Ei, ei tietenkään. Mun pitää mennä nukkumaan viimeistään sitten kun lopetan puhumisen tai Daichi tulee ja ajaa mut futonille. (No, of course not. I have to go to sleep at least when I stop speaking or Daichi comes and drives me to futon.)" You told her.

"Mikä on fuoton? (What's futon?)" She asked. You explained her what it was and then asked where she was.

"Oon rannalla (A/F/N) kanssa ja sit tääl on myös (r/b/n). (I'm on the beach with (A/F/N) and (r/b/n) is also here.)" (F/N) said. You listened and indeed she was on the beach.

"Kiva, pitäkää hauskaa. Paljon kello on siellä päin? (Nice, have fun. How much the clock is over there?)" You asked.

"Kohta kolme. Hetkinen nyt. Jos siellä kellon on kuus tuntii edellä niin miks oot menos jo nyt nukkumaan? (Almost three. Wait a minute. If the clock is six hours ahead why are you already going to sleep?)" She asked curiously.

"Meillä on huomenna peli yhtä toista koulua vastaan. (We have game towards another school tomorrow.)" You told her.

"Peli? (Game?)" She asked.

"Ah. Lentopallo peli. (Ah. Volleyball game.)"

"En tienny et oot kiinnostunut lentopallosta. Mitä sä siellä teet? (I didn't know you were interested in volleyball. What are you doing there?)" she then asked. You started to explain that you hang out with them. You also told her that you were currently thinking of being their little helper or half manager. Then you started to told about your school and show club and things you have been doing.

"Joko sulla on poikaystävä? Edes ihastus? (Do you already have boyfriend? Or a crush?)" She then asked. You started to blush. You looked around before answering.

"Tuntuu että tykkään yhestä poijasta täällä.(I feel like I like one boy over here.)" You said. You then heard her say aww~ and then ask who is it.

"Sen nimi on Nishinoya. (His name is Nishinoya.)" You said. Your cheeks started to burn up only by thinking about him.

"*NO WAY!*" Your friend yelled. She told you that she would write a fan-fiction of you two and you told her not to do that. After a while you ended the call and went to your room to sleep.

*Next day*

Karasuno team lined up and then the team called Nekoma came to stand on the other side. You stayed back with Kiyoko and Chiyoko.

"Line up!" Daichi yelled. "Greet!"

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now