It starts today

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Today is the day.

"I'M NOT READY!!" I yelled as my teammates dragged me along the hotel hallways.

"Come on (Y/N), it's just few games today. Not that bad." Neko says and takes my fingers off from the door frame that I'm holding tight.

"Yeah, but there will be a thousands of people watching us!" I said. They literally carried me to bus and out from there as well.

"Fhew, carrying her is more work than I thought." Ayumi said and pointed me.


"It's not her fault that she's so nervous. We have all been there." Chiyoko says. I mentally thanked her. We started to walk towards the gymnasium that had many different teams in front of it. I spotted Karasuno and Neko at first but then they were gone to the mass of people. We had our game uniforms underneath the jerseys so we just took them off and continued to walk into the mass with a loud:

"Move I'm gay!" From Seina. Gina sighed loudly as literally everyone close to us turned to watch us.

"I'm going to rip her head off." She says.

"She definitely needs a little telling-off." Sakae agrees with a sigh as well.

"You have nothing to worry about, (Y/N). If anything happens just remember that Seina is our teams' disappointment." Chiyoko says and pats my back.

"You know I can hear you right." Seina says turning around.

"Good because you will get a lot of it." Gina says as she walks past her. "And if you do one more meme reference I will kick you to your next life."

"You can't do that. If you do it, I'm not able to get my alien from Area 51." Seina says.

"That's it, you're about to get it." Gina clicks her knuckles and walks towards the orange headed girl, who takes a run for it. They run somewhere into the crowd.

"And the show has started." Kaedé sighs. 

"Kaedé went last time so it's my turn to get them." Chiyoko says and rolls her sleeves up. She walks after them and soon comes back dragging them by their ears. Both girls moaning how much it hurts.

"Good. Chiyoko take the banner and let's go." Akari says. Every team walks into the court area and lines up. While other banners have a prefecture and the team name our banner had Japan and Japan National Women's Volleyball Team.

"The representatives from Miyagi Prefecture... boys' team, Karasuno High school. Girl's team... Niiyama Girl's High school. The representatives from Tokyo... Fukurodani Academy." Tannoy goes.

"Yeah so remember it's academy not high school." Ayumi says to Neko with a little smirk, since this girl doesn't really have emotions. I guess.

"The final representatives from Tokyo... boys' team, Nekoma High school."

"And it seems that I'm in a school instead of and academy." Neko says with a sigh.

"And for the last but not the least... The representatives of all Japan, if you know what I mean, The JNWVT. If the tournament goes exactly as we all think it goes, they will take Japan to World Cup again this year for the sixth time! Let the tournament begin!"

"I'm getting more and more nervous." I said. Seina put her arm on my shoulder and leaned on it.

"Don't worry, remember I'm the disappointment and you are the newbie." She says, as if it would make me feel any better. Chiyoko might as well had seen this since she makes a death glare at the carrot head and clears her throat.

"Okay everyone, we have game later, meaning that we have time to watch other games at first."

"I want to see the first Karasuno vs someone game." I said raising my hand up.

"I don't. They play against my school and no one in my school knows about my volleyball side." Gina says.

"Meaning we will watch them play." Chiyoko says ignoring Gina. With Gina groaning and complaining of our decisions we headed to the court where the game was held. We had to wait sometime before it started, since there was other game before.

"I can't believe it's been five years already." Chiyoko sighs quietly next to me.

"That long?" I asked and she nods.

"My brother was second year back then." Karasuno walks in on the court with Tsubakihara as an opponent.

"Yo guys! If you lose! You all own me bag of Ice Cube bubble gum, each of you!!" Gina yells from the top of her lungs making her whole team, and school, to look at her.

"Don't you colic from them already?" Their captain asks.

"No you f*cking bitch! I can f*cking manage myself you m*therf*cker!!" I look at her with wide eyes.


"Get used to it! That's how she normally speaks! We apologize and will punish her later!" Kaedé yells.

"Look (Y/N). Hinata forgot his shoes." Chiyoko says to me as Gina continues on arguing with her school. Apparently as a third year she can misbehave herself.

"Yikes, hopefully he'll get them before the game starts." I say back to her. She nods and we continue on talking about our changes of winning. The game starts and for our luck, Kiyoko was fast enough to bring Hinata his shoes just in time. Tsubakihara takes the lead by three points.

"Looks like your team is in trouble." Gina says. "Well it's not my problem. Bye!" She continued and started to walk towards what looked like toilet. Or at least the sign said that toilet was that way.

"I'm going to make a call. I'll come back." Kaedé says and gets and "uuuu~" from everyone in the team. Expect Gina who is god knows where. "Shut up."

"Is it your boyfriend?" Chiyoko asks with a teasing tone making the other girl blush.

"S-stop it!" She says and leaves. I turn my attention back to the game to see Karasuno get their first point.

"Finally!" I cheered.

"Come on Karasuno! Beat them up!" Neko and Seina yelled as loud as they could. "We want free food!"

'So that's what it's all about...' Apparently they had made a bet; if Karasuno wins Gina buys them food, If Tsubakihara wins Neko and Seina has to buy her ten bags of bubblegum. That girl eats bubblegum more than anyone.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now