Game towards Dateko

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You  had climbed up to where the audience was and were currently leaning towards the railing while Kiyoko did the manager job. Tokonami VS Karasuno. Earlier, before the game you had heard the same bubblegum pink haired girl yell:

"F*ck NO!! The twins are here!!" Whatever that was for.

You waited in silence for the game to start. Feeling a bit lonely up there alone since everyone else was down on the court.

'Is he ever going to whistle?' You though when it had been 30 seconds. When the guy finally whistled for the game to stat the whole place was full of voices. You listened how some other team players talked about Hinata's height. The game started with Tanaka scoring and then he started to yell with Nishinoya. Which ended with Daichi yell to them and they got whistle.

"Seriously." You said. They continued to play and got yet another point. You heard some peoples talk about Asahi.

"That old guy is awesome."

"I heard it's his fifth year in high school."

"Are you serious? Is that even allowed?" You could basically see how Asahi got stabbed and started to laugh a little bit.

"Maybe he can't get out." And after that episode you started to laugh to Kageyama's telepathy skills, since he started to yell Hinata even though he didn't say anything. After another serve from Tanaka it was Hinata's turn to make his quick spike and make everyone amused.

It wasn't long until they had a little water break. After that Kageyama started serving and get one point straight. So far you checked the scores to see five points with no interruption. The game continued until Karasuno got the set point and win the match which meant they got to play another one. You walked down to meet the team.

"Ah sweet. This one was intense but fast." Chiyoko said as she came to you. You shook your head to her.

"Good work everyone." You said. You started to walk with others towards the next place where the next match was and then walked with Kiyoko to eat cause why not. It's not like you aren't starving or anything. When you were finally able to go to the gym you got the same reaction that Hinata got when Dateko's players walked behind you, you hide behind Kiyoko who was discussing something with Chiyoko.

"I spend my every free time after school with them. Be glad you are in Karasuno, they are not scary." Someone said to your ear when they walked past you. You then followed people to audience and looked at the team just in time to see Noya's receive.

"Rolling... Thunder... Again!"

"A what?" You asked. You could see team have the same faces as you have right now. Tanaka laughed at the name and Hinata wanted Noya to teach him that move. Noya then turned to look at you.

"(Y/N)! Did you see that?!" He yelled you felt heat come to your cheeks.

"Yeah I did."

"Wasn't it cool?! What do you think?!"

"I like it but please stop yelling, it's embarrassing." You said and then looked down on your feet.

"You are cute when you blush!" God damn you felt like you wanted to disappear. "All right. There's nothing to worry about. All of you, keep your eyes forward. Because you have me guarding your backs." Nishinoya made his short speech. It actually rise their motivation. After the official warm up they lined up.

"I'm getting nervous." You said as you sink in you chair.

The game started and just as known Dateko blocked really well. The game in fact was very interesting to follow. When Karasuno was trying to get a point Dateko would block. But the interesting part was that they couldn't always block. It was already second round and Karasuno had took the lead. They were coming closer to the set point and your heart started to beat faster every moment someone got a point.

At this moment Karasuno was on their set point. Asahi had gotten into some kind of force battle with Dateko's iron wall. Though they forced the ball drop on Karasuno's side. The ball was close to hit the court until Noya saved it quickly.

"Way to go babe!" You yelled before you even realized it. When you realized you were glad it was at the same time as the whole place turned into cheering. Dateko's players faces were priceless. They had their mouths open which if you could see right made Chiyoko start to laugh. Next thing you knew was that the ball was on top of the net and dropped on Dateko's side making Karasuno get their point making them win. You covered your ears as the guys started to yell, except Tsukishima who just stand there. You walked down and to the court.

"That last one was horrible. I almost got an heart attach." Chiyoko said as she and Kiyoko came to you. You agreed with her. "By the way, did you yell something?" You thought for a moment and then started to blush.

"Maybe..." After boys and Chiyoko bowed to peoples who were cheering on them Nishinoya walked to you.

"Nice game." You said and smiled.

"Thanks. I heard you yell something by the way." He said making a teasing smirk. "What was it?~" You felt heat coming to your face again.

"No-nothing." You said.

"You yelled "way to go babe". Did you already got me a nickname? Hmm~" He teased while snaking his arms around your waist.

"If you heard it then why did you ask?"

"To see you cute blushing face." Noya said and then kissed your cheek. He let go of you and you started to walk towards the exit when some girls stared to scream. You stared to look for Yuri when you saw who was playing. She was making notes with annoyed face, which didn't surprise you at all.

"I wonder how she has that good nerve." Chiyoko said. You nodded. It didn't really take long until you were yet again with Kiyoko on the audience watching Karasuno play against Aobajōsai. "She'll probably get really salty soon."

Just in case, I don't like this first actual game they are playing against Aobajōsai. Should I write it or skip it?

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