Telling the family

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"Here's a list of the things we need to get ready before the wedding ceremony."

"You mean what you have to get ready." Rini says throwing another chocolate ball into her mouth watching (Y/N) walk back and forth in the room. While (Y/N) was having a break down of the upcoming wedding, that was in two years as planned, her friends were pretty much helpless with trying to calm her down.

Kimura Rini, 3rd year university, part time as a personal trainer.

"I need the dress, cake, decorations, invitation cards and everything we need for them, a list of guests, place, time, makeup, hair-"

"Well, you can always disturb Chiyoko and order dress from her." Leiko says going through Futuristic Destiny 's website. The little shop had evolved into a world wide company in just a few years. Leiko raises her head up, from the tablet, to look at (Y/N) into her eyes.

Hiramatsu Leiko, 2nd year medical student, professional volleyball player.

"And you own a freaking bakery." Miki says. "So the cake and the dress are in good shape."

Takahashi Miki, 3rd year university,  studying to become an English teacher in high school.

"Yeah, but there's still a million things I need to take care of. Like the color theme!" (Y/N)'s friends sigh.

"How about you start from the most important thing." Daruma suggests.

Mishima Daruma, 3rd year in university, part time job in shopping center, learning to become a police officer.

"That is?"

"Tell your family that you are getting married." (Y/N) completely stopped moving.

"Oh my god! I didn't even think of that!!" She jumps onto the sofa.

"I guess we'll book you two a flight to Finland." Fumiko says.

Shirakawa Fumiko, 2nd year in university, heir to Shirakawa boarding school and Shirakawa girls school, professional volleyball player.

""You two"?" Hitoka asks.

"Well yeah. I bet they would like to meet Nishinoya after all these years and have a chitchat. If you know what I mean." Fumiko says.

"But the tickets costs so much." (Y/N) whines, her head hidden into a pile of pillows.

"Don't worry, I'll buy them for you." Fumiko says waving her hand.

"At least one of us has money." Rini says emptying the chocolates.

"Are we done here?" Leiko asks. "I have to read two medical books by tomorrow."

"Swot." Miki says.

"What did you just call me?"

"Okay! Now that we have things at least in some kind of shape we can continue this later, right?" Daruma asks sitting between the two.

"You two will take a flight to Finland and go tell your parents the good news." Hitoka says.

"And call Chiyoko so you can get the dress. We'll help you but only if you need help." Rini says.

"I do. I really do need help." (Y/N) sighs and then let's her friends go.

"Oh and I already booked flights for you two. Round-trip. No need to thank me." Fumiko says before (Y/N) has a change to thank her. Once Nishinoya comes back home she tells him what will happen.

"Wait, in two days?" He asks when he hears the plans.

"Yes. But not for long. Two days and the weekend, shouldn't kill you." She ruffles his hair. In 60 hours they found themselves from Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now