Meet the team

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You had made your way to the Karasuno high school. The first thing you did: selfie. Daichi and his friends excused themselves as they went to change their clothes. You stayed with Udai as she lead you to the gym. She told you some things about the team and you listened carefully.

"Do you like volleyball? Daichi said you couldn't care much but I decided that I would ask you to hear the truth." Udai said. You thought for a moment.

"Well, he is right." You said and she nodded. "I don't like the game, but I don't hate it either."

"What club are you going to join?" She asked then.

"I have no idea." You said.

"Hmm... you have it hard. We have so many clubs." Udai said.

"Was it hard for you to know what club you were going to attend into?" You asked as she opened the door to the gym.

"No it wasn't. I started as Karasuno boys volleyball team's manager when I was twelve years old. Not because I wanted to but because my brother was in the team and other players wanted me to be their manager." She explained and you nodded. "Come let's put the net up so boys can start play." You followed her to equipment room and took one of the net poles and then went to put it on it's place. After putting the net up you waited for boys to show up.

"They really are taking their sweet time." She said. After that a girl with dark hair and glasses walked up to you two. "Oh hi Kiyoko. Did you see boy when you came here?" She shook her head.

"No, but I saw them going into the changing room. Guess they got the key just now." Kiyoko said.

"Oh, this is (L/N) (Y/N). She will start her first year here tomorrow." Udai said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Shimizu Kiyoko." Kiyoko said. "Chiyoko did you get the notes about Aobajōsai's players?"

"Yes, in fact I did. I just asked if Yuri has them and she gave them to me. Want to check out?" They started to talk something about Aobajōsai's players and skills, which you had no idea what they actually were talking about. You then heard how two boys came inside.

"Haa! Did we get new manager?!" One with orange hair yelled. You shake your head.

"No, sorry." You said.

"Oh Hinata, Kageyama. This is Daichi's cousin (Y/N). She is not our manager and probably never will. If you don't-"

"No I don't want to be your manager." You cut Chiyoko off.

"Fine. (Y/N), these are our new two first year players, Hinata Shōyō and Kageyama Tobio."

"Is it okay if I call you by your first names?" They told you it's totally fine and then went to get volleyballs to play.

"Woooh! We have three pretty girls in here!"

"Tanaka shut up."

'He can't be serious. I know Chiyoko is cute and pretty and Kiyoko is pretty and beautiful, but I look like raccoon.'  (Black eyes from the lack of sleep...)

"Tanaka-senpai, you must be blind. I'm not even close to be pretty." You said and then looked at him. "Umm... Tanaka-senpai, are you okay?" You asked. He then hugged you while yelling out how amazing kōhai you were.

"You are the most cutest and loveliest kōhai I have ever had! Please call me senpai again!" Tanaka yelled and you said senpai after his name, until Daichi came and took him off of you.

"Let her live, you bastard." He said. "Okay guys. Let's start practice. We have this practice game towards Aobajōsai this weekend and we have to show them what we got." Daichi said after three other second years and two other first years had came in.

"Actually I got to show you these." Chiyoko said as she took the list of Aobajousai's players to show out. "If we compare your skills to them you have tiny tiny change to actually win. Sensei, have you find the coach yet?"

"No not yet." A man with glasses said as he walked into the gym. "Guess we have to go without a coach."

"In that case it means hard training. What are you still waiting for? It's five versus five. Get to work!" Chiyoko said. The team started to practice immediately.

"(Y/N), come here." You followed Kiyoko to the score board. "You can count the points which your cousins team gets. Switch the number when Chiyoko points to his team with her hand." You nodded. Chiyoko was standing on top of a chair watching the game go on.

"Isn't that dangerous." You asked.

"A little, but it's okay." Kiyoko said. After that all you could hear was boys yelling and every remains Kiyoko told you when Daichi's team got a point.

*Time skip to your new home*

"Hey. Finally you two came. What took you so long?" Your aunt asked.

"We stayed with others at the shop and talked for a moment. Also tried to make Hinata calm down." Daichi said.

"Looks like so. Get up to shower before that sweat dries up on you and then come back to dinner." Your aunt said and pointed her finger towards upstairs before turning back to her cooking.

"Onii-san! I'll come with you!"

"Yeah me too!"

"Not you both!" You only laughed to your cousins.

"Aunt. Volleyball team is going to play practice game towards other school this weekend. Mind if I tag along with them. Their managers asked if I would like to go."

"Sure. Just let me know what you need. Could you please take the plates?"


"Up there on the closet. Oh and your school uniform is in your room. It should fit on you."

*Next morning*

"Dude. You could have wake me up too!" You said to your cousin as you run him up in the middle of street.

"Sorry, but mom said not to go to your room." He said.

"At least wake me up by knocking next time!"

"Good morning!" You turned ad saw Suga to walk towards you. You bowed to him.

"You coming to our morning practice, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"No. Just coning to early so I'm not going to be actually late." You answered. Just then someone almost rolled over you three luckily stopping before doing so.

"Wanna go and check out the clubs?" You nodded to Chiyoko.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now