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I woke up in the morning feeling my head still a bit dizzy. I was sitting alone in the room until Chiyoko came in with something to eat.

"You okay?" Chiyoko asked as she gave me breakfast. "You fainted yesterday."

"I'm sorry." I said. "It sometimes happens to me." I told her. "Last time it happened when I was on P.E. class back in Finland. I wasn't the only person to faint."

A/N: This actually happened on my eight grade. We were having gym and then suddenly one of my classmates fainted on the floor. Teacher went to help her out and took her away and just then one another of my friends fainted. It was horrible and also funny since things always happen to my class. Sometimes someone gets hurt or something else happens. We sure were weird class but also every teacher liked us. -.-' back to the story. 

"I'm sorry. It sure isn't fun." Chiyoko said. I nodded. I stood up and started to walk towards the door after I ate of course.

"Boys are on the gym playing. Or training. Wanna go there or come with me and Kiyoko?" Chiyoko asked.

"What are you doing?" I asked as we started to walk towards the door. Kiyoko walked towards us when we reached outside.

"Search for boys game uniforms. We have to wash them." Kiyoko said.

"Sounds boring." I said. "I rather go to gym." I started to walk towards the gym. I got in and sat on the floor. There was no one in the gym and I guess they are running. Oh wait, Ukai and Takeda were in here. Talking about something I wasn't clearly listening. I eventually got bored and walked out of the gym.

I went around the place until I saw Chiyoko and Kiyoko carrying a box. I run towards them.

"What are those?" I asked pointing them.

"Oh these? These are game outfits." Kiyoko said.

"Wanna come and wash them with us?" Chiyoko asked I nodded and we walked towards the washing room. Chiyoko placed the box down and opened it. We started to took some of them out. When Chiyoko took uniform with a number ten she muttered something with smile on her lips. I took one of the uniforms that was a bit different from others.

"Who has which number?" I asked.

"The one you are holding is libero's." Kiyoko said. I looked down to the orange game outfit with number four on it.

"Who is our libero?"

"Nishinoya." Kiyoko said. I looked at it again and then heated up. Suddenly Kiyoko started to laugh. I looked at her wondering why was she laughing and then stared at Chiyoko who was wearing one of the outfits. And making weird poses.

"I don't think you should wear it." Kiyoko said.

"Why not? It's Suga's anyway." Chiyoko said. "It's really big to be honest." She then walked to me and somehow got the shirt on me. "Okay Kiyoko. Take a picture. Pose (Y/N)." I put my fingers in peace sign. Kiyoko took a picture of us.

"Hehe... girlfriends with boyfriend shirts." She said. When I noticed what she had said I started to heat up.

"Aww~ (Y/N). You're so cute when you blush. I can only think what Nishinoya thinks of you." Chiyoko said. "Now let's wash these." We started to work out without noticing that the shirts were still on. When we were ready and started to put game uniforms to dry we noticed that we were wearing still the shirts.

"If they are that comfortable, you can put them on when they are dried off." Kiyoko said laughing at me and Chiyoko. We quickly run back inside to take them off and wash them. When they were also drying out we started to work out with the dirty water. After we were done Kiyoko came in with a watermelon. We started to eat it.

"Damn... my shirt is wet." Chiyoko said. I then looked at my self and realized that my shirt was wet too. We started to laugh.

"We better go and fold these." Kiyoko said smiling to us.

"Let's wait till these are dried off." I said and we waited.

"They are probably already in the gym." Chiyoko said after five teen minutes. She stood up and checked our shirts. "These are already dry." She said and took her shirt and then gave me my. We stood up put them on and took the uniforms. We went back inside and started to fold them. After that we walked to the gym where boys were. Kiyoko went inside first to call the sensei while Chiyoko carried the bags inside and I took off my shoes and jumped in the gym.

"All set?" Takeda asked.

"Yes. Washed, folded and all set." Kiyoko said.

"It's the uniforms." Chiyoko said after putting bags down and took some of them out to gave them to players.

"Wow. It's the one I saw on TV." Hinata said When Chiyoko had gave him his. I looked around and saw that Noya had already his on.

'When did he?' I thought.

"But only Noya-san's is orange. You stand out." Hinata continues and Noya took this as an opportunity to impress his kōhai.

"Of course. After all, I have the leading role." Noya said. I raised my brow.

"Leading role?" Hinata asked curious.

"The libero goes on and off the court frequently during a match." Kageyama said. "He's the only one that needs to be noticeable. Idiot." He continued.

'Thanks for telling me that.'

"I know that. I totally know that." Hinata said quickly. He then relaxed when he realized something.

"Kageyama is one notch higher than me..." He said. Tanaka and Tsukishima were behind him with smug faces.

"I knew he was going to say that." They said in unison.

"Just be grateful we first-years get to wear a uniform at all." Kageyama said.

"I know that." Hinata said. Suga and Daichi walked close to them with uniforms on their hands.

"Yeah. I guess you don't remember that number." Daichi said.

"Because you saw it only once on TV, right." Suga continues.


"The Little Giant wore #10 when he went to nationals." Chiyoko told. Hinata's face lit up.

"Was this your thoughtful idea, coach?" Hinata asked. Ukai shake his head.

"Nope, just a coincidence."

"Then it's destiny." Hinata said.

"It's a coincidence." Kageyama said.

"Don't be jealous, Kageyama-kun." Hinata said. Kageyama gets immediately annoyed to him.

"Why would I be jealous?"

"By the way, the Little Giant that Hinata admires played on the best team Karasuno's ever had." Ukai said. "But even then, Karasuno never defeated Nekoma. Not even once. It was one loss after another. I want you to turn the tables on them." He ended and after that they started to play. I listened while coach and sensei talked about Nekoma.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now