"I broke my freaking ankle!"

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Nekoma started the game and just as usual we blocked their try to get the first points that belonged to us. The whole game was full of mixed feelings and emotions. Nekoma was strong team but it was nothing compared to us. After all we had been practicing much more longer together, minus me of course since I just got into the team. The team knew exactly what to do when someone scored. If it was our player we gave a good comments and cheered but if it was the opponent we scored twice more as they did.

That's the way of playing. Win. I wasn't put on the court until the next set. Neko said she wanted to play against her own school team now that she had a chance. She told us that students at her school sometimes made fun of her, mostly because of her hair and height. Now was a perfect time to show them off. So I let her do it. Show off her skills that are way better than mine.

Soon it was finally my time to do my special set, that's what I call it and try to be as quick as possible with receiving. Unfortunately my speed was nowhere near Neko's speed. But doing the best I can still counts, doesn't it?

"Nice receive!" I got a good feeling go through my veins when I received another ball. Some of their spikes and sets went past me but that didn't really bother as we had a strong lead.

"And the first set goes to National!!"


"Let's get the another one!" We got ready for the next set as well. First few minutes went well but unfortunately after five minutes I stepped wrong when going to the side way and sprained my right ankle.

"Of course!..." I fell down on the ground and had to hold the pain on my ankle.

"Time!" Chiyoko was the first one to come and check me, team mom.

"How much does it hurt?" She asks as she helps me up.

"A lot. But it's not the first time this happens to me." I told her. We made it to the bench.

"Kobayashi, you're in. Let's play this game till the end." Akari says. Neko salutes and sprints to the court.

"And we'll put a bandage on your foot."

"How can I forgot to take my own one when ever I'm in a situation like this?" I said. It wasn't the first time my ankle did this to me. I wasn't able to walk and usually I just had to wait for it to be over. "I don't think I'll be able to play for the next ten minutes."

"Oh no. You'll be out for the rest of this set. I'm not going to risk your health for this game." Chiyoko says as she finishes bandaging my foot. I guess I have to listen to her as she know what she's doing. "Don't worry. If something happens to Neko, we'll put Fumiko to play as our libero then. Just by changing her uniform color and done."

I tried to stood up with both legs but my right one gave up.

"Ah, dang it. I 'll just go to the side."

"Nah. You can stay on the bench. Or if you really want to you can probably go and watch Karasuno play. If you really want to see your orange little guy play." Chiyoko teased me making red color grow on my cheeks.


"You can go. Just put a jacket on so they don't think you have run away from your game." I nod and took my jacket. I somehow walked out of the court and started to look for the court where Karasuno was playing on.

"Oh. They are playing against Inarizaki. Riko!!" I yelled getting the brunette manager's attention. She waved to me after spotting me from the audience. "How's your throat?!"

She showed me thumbs up and then turned her attention back to the game. I smiled and turned to look at Karasuno. I blinked my eyes few times and rubbed my eyes. The court was full of pumpkins that were running around. I started to laugh and then spotted Noya. His outfit looked like his hair: mostly dark but then there's a little bit of orange. Although his hair had a blonde spot. I went near the railing and leaned onto it.

I felt mixed feelings while watching them play. It looked so much fun. I felt like I really wanted to be there as well, but if I tried to take a step my foot gave up and I fell.

"Cursed foot..." I said as I hold my foot again. This time I wasn't able to even move. I sat down on a seat that was right behind me.

'It's the first time I'm not able to walk with it...'

"Of course you have to broke during National Tournament but not during P.E. in middle school. How dare you!" I cursed my foot while rubbing it to stop the pain. "Jeez!"

"Aren't you from Japan's National Women Volleyball team?!" Someone behind me said. I turned around to look at the one who was talking.

"Yes I am." I said.

"She's the new libero, Ōrora."

'Oh no...'

"Eh? You're right!"

"How come you aren't playing?"

"I sprained my ankle and ain't able to walk very well at the moment."

"What a shame. Seeing you improve on the court was so interesting yesterday!"

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). And thank you."

"Can we get your autograph?!"

'Wait what?!'

"Um... sure."

"Great! Can you write both your name and the nickname on it?"

"Sure." I wrote my signature on their notebooks

"Omg! Thank you so much!"

"You welcome."

I don't even want to know how the autographs turned out but I was glad they liked them. Karasuno scored and it startled me. No it really did. The sudden voices from behind scared me so I had to turn around to see what was going on.

If Inarizaki could have their own cheer team then Saeko definitely had to bring Karasuno their own cheer team.

"(Y/N)! Nice to see you again!" She yelled from behind her taiko drum or what ever it was. I've never seen one before. I waved at her.

"Which set is this?!"

"End of the first one!"

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now