Siblings meet

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The sight was hilarious. While the rest of the team was either trying not to laugh or looked at the little cat girl with sympathy in their eyes, Chiyoko was trying to calm the poor girl down. First she was crying and then she was laughing.

"This is the best show I've ever seen. Can someone get me popcorn?" Gina asks while trying her best to not laugh at the girl. Chiyoko sends a cold look towards her. Literally everyone got chills.

'That's the first time I've ever seen that look.'

It took sometime until Neko was stable and had a change to talk with the people from her school. While she went to speak with them, we gathered our stuff and walked out of the court. We had few more games before the finals. After these few games I didn't feel bad at all.

"Depending on which one wins, Rikona will come to play with us." Ayumi tells staring at her phone.

"Then we'll have our silent ninja back- wait up. Didn't she get her voice back?" Leiko asks and Chiyoko nods.

"She did." Everyone's spirits were lightened up. "But, she isn't allowed to speak at the moment as the doctors aren't sure if her throat can take it. She can try and start to talk but very slowly or she might lose her voice again and this time, for eternity." And the spirits lowed down.


"Get your spirits up, we are supposed to be cheerful for her." Ayumi says and the hall we are standing freezes. She was right, we shouldn't be down.

The next game was an easy win so we had a lot of time to fool or chill around while waiting for the next one. I went with Chiyoko to watch Karasuno and how they were getting ready to their match after winning Inarizaki. Comparing on everyone else's games, ours went fast by.

"If I'm not entirely wrong, they had their game against Nekoma just a few minutes ago." Chiyoko tells me when we are walking towards the location the team is supposed to be.

"Is that also another reason why Neko was in such a hurry after she calmed down?" She nods. After calming down, Neko left from the place as if she was chased by bullets. She skipped our previous game to go and watch her own school to play, making me go and run around the court as much as possible. And it was so much more fun than just switching all the time.

"Two more games to go and this will all be over." I said out when I was supposed to just think of it.

"Yeah. I wonder who will be the team we'll play against at the finals." I nod. I feel my stomach grumble.

"Oh yeah, we haven't eaten anything."

"The rest of the team went to somewhere to eat as we have like, I don't know, two hours before the next game. You want to get food from there?" Chiyoko asks and points at a restaurant that is located near the Metropolitan Gymnasium. Chiisana Hoshi, aka Little Star.

"You gotta be kidding me."

"What is there something wrong with that place?"

"No, it's just that my mother owns that restaurant chain."

"Wait she does?! Then what are we waiting for? We can get the food half price with you there!" She pulls my arm and we literally flee to the restaurant, order and quickly get back. "This is so good! Does your mother make the recipes?" I nod.

"She does, some times I helped her." We got to the right hall and ate quickly before the game would start.

"Karasuno versus Kamomedai. This should be interesting." Chiyoko says and then looks at the court. Her eyes wide up when she spots a certain black haired boy. She stands up and marches over where he's standing. I followed quickly behind to see what was going to happen. Hinata was talking with the male, with the rest of the team somewhere near listening before the match.


'She doesn't sound very happy.' I grinned. This boy was going to die. Everyone near turned around to look how this dark haired girl angrily marched towards the male, who had a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Chi-Chiyo..ko... hi."

'Oh he already knows he's going to die. Wait, isn't he her brother?'

"Don't you "hi" me! You haven't been texting or calling to us for like what?! Six months!!" There was only one thing going in my, the teams' and Saeko's mind:

'He's definitely NOT going to survive.'

"I've been really busy in University, you know that."

"How busy exactly? So busy that not even at the evening you had no time calling us and telling how your life was going?! It would be okay if you were my cousin, BUT!! YOU are my BROTHER!! One of your responsibilities is to call me or mom or dad and tell us how you are doing in your life!!" Her face was red from anger and let me tell you, she's hundred times scarier than Daichi when he gets mad. Not kidding, they were shivering in fear.

"Captain, maybe you should calm down." I turn to look at Momo who has walked up to us, after finding us from this mass of people.

"Not happening! I still have a bunch of words to say to him!"

"Sugawara, please help me." I heard Udai say. 

"Don't you dare! If I'd have my umbrella with me, you'd be dead. You hear me Tenma!"

'I still don't get what is so big deal with her umbrella.'

"I have it here, Udai-sama." Leiko said and put the light blue umbrella up in the air, only for Kaedé to take it.

"Don't give it to her." 

"Chiyoko I think you should calm down." Momo says to the girl who is now struggling her way out of Suga-san's tight hold. "Although I have to admit that Chiyoko is right." Udai Tenma, also known as the Little Giant walked up to his sister and put a hand on her head.

"You are right, I'm sorry Chiyoko." The anger was replaced with a huff and then her face neutralized. After few breaths in and out, she had the same smiley and cheerful face that she always has.

"Oh you haven't met her but this here is (L/N) (Y/N), our new libero."

"Hi." The game between Karasuno and Kamomedai started.

"Remember to cheer on Karasuno!!" Chiyoko yelled when we dragged her off to audience. It wasn't the easiest job to do.

"She's still childish." Kaedé says and sighs.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now