Welcome to Sawamura family

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"Welcome to Japan."

You walked away from plane to get you bags. After getting your bags you walked towards the waiting are where you saw familiar dark brown haired woman with two younger kid.

"Hey! It's (Y/N)!!" Both of them started to run towards you and you opened your arms to hug them.

"Hello you two." You said. You then took your bag and started to walk towards their mother.

"Hi aunt." She hugged you.

"It's so nice to see you after all these five years. You can only imagine how happy your grandmother will be when she meets you." She said. You nodded understanding. You haven't seen your Japanese relatives for so long time that you shouldn't be surprised how they had changed.

"How did your mother reacted when you left?" Your aunt asked.



"Do you have your water-bottle?  You need more money? I'll give you. Are you sure you are not hungry? You got everything with you?" Your mom said as you were leaving from home to the airport.

"I'm hundred percent sure I have everything I need." You said while putting your shoes on.


"I'm going to miss you too much. You have to call and text us every time you have time." Your mom said while crying and hugging the air out of you.

"Yeah. I think you are going to miss her much more if you kill her right now." Your twin (B/N) said. Your mom let go of you and you could finally walk towards the check up.

*Back to present*

"She said she was happy with me coming here, but also unhappy that I left from home." You said as you and your aunt were putting your bags into the car.

"I can feel her. Even thought those two are ten and eleven, Daichi is already eighteen. Soon he will move somewhere to continue his studies. And finally find someone." You started to laugh at her. "No I'm serious. His friend, Sugawara, has girlfriend even thought I told him to be first of his friends to get one. Can't believe that boy." You could only feel how your stomach started to hurt more and more. You had amazing image of your cousins face when his mother had told him this.

"Don't you think you are pushing him too hard forwards?" You asked after your laugh died down.

"You think so?" Your aunt said. "Still he is eighteen. I want to have grandchildren one day!" "Only three years, (Y/N). Three years with your crazy relatives."

"What if we have children before nii-san?" You heard from behind you.

"Well hopefully not." Your aunt said.

"But mom~"

"NO! Absolutely no. You have no permission of having children before you brother... Why are we even talking about this?" Your aunts words made you laugh again.

"Whatever. Hey (Y/N), can you do magic?" Your cousin asked.

"A what?" You looked at them from reviewer mirror.

"You said five years ago that when you come back here you will show us magic tricks. Where are they?" You sighed.

"You two were six and five years old. How in the world can you remember something like that when I by myself can't remember something like that?"

"Never underestimate their memories." Your aunt said.

You had finally came your stop and you get out of the car.

"Feels good to be back to home. Now I can go and sleep on the bed without anyone disrupting me." Your aunt said as she turned to look at her youngest kids. "But I thing I have to wait until it's night."

"We wont let mom to sleep."

"Yeah! You will come and play with us."

"Oh boy." Your aunt opened the front door and told your cousins to tell their older brother that you had came back to home. After that she took your bags out of the car, with you helping her. After that you walked inside and almost walked into your cousins.

"Nii-san said he will come soon."

"He has friends with him." Your aunt nodded and then the two child took your hands and took you to your room where you were supposed to stay. You started to unpack your bag which you had took there with you and get comfortable. After that you walked to Daichi's room and opened the door only to see one girl and three boys around a little table in the middle of Daichi's room. They all turn to look at you.

"Sorry instruction. It's just... Daichi your mother told me you would show me where your school is." You said.

"Daichi why didn't you say you knew someone as cute as she is?!" Bald headed boy asked excited giving you a bear hug. "She is almost as beautiful as Kiyoko-san is!"

"Oh right. Tanaka chill. Are we done with this?" Your cousin asked as he stood up. The girl and boy next to him stood up as well. They nodded soon after that and you all walked downstairs.

"Oh you finally came down." Your aunt said as you walked over her. "(Y/N) your school uniform came few minutes ago. You can try it after Daichi shows you where the school is." You nodded and then walked after dark blue and black haired girl, silver haired boy, almost bald guy and your cousin who has for some reason grown so tall that you could reach to his height only by jumping high.

"You can come and watch as we have our afternoon practice, if you want." The girl said. You nodded.

"Volleyball?" You asked after that. They all nodded. You nudged Daichi on his shoulder.

"You not gonna introduce them to me?" You whispered.

"Oh right. Guys, this is (L/N) (Y/N), my cousin. She will start in our school tomorrow." Daichi said as he pointed to you. You bowed to them.

"I'm Udai Chiyoko, third year. I'm going to be your tutor from tomorrow on. Nice to meet you." Chiyoko, the goddess like girl, said smiling to you.

"Sugawara Koushi, you can call me Suga like everyone else. Third year as well." Silver haired boy said and then flicked Udai's forehead as she said that the only reason why people call him Suga is that his name is too long. Third, little weird boy introduced himself as Tanaka Ryūnosuke. Yet again he started to talk with you and say that you are the cutest girl in the world.

"Soon you will meet the rest of the team. Don't worry they are very nice. Especially our managers. You already met Udai-san, but there is still Kiyoko." Daichi told you. You nodded and continued to listen Tanaka's praises.

A/N: Does anyone know Daichi's siblings names? If not, do you have any good names for them?

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