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"So (S/N) got us the house in there and most of our stuff has already been transferred there." Yū says when we are packing up the last towels and clothes and etc.

"Yeah. Thank got she's living there or we couldn't have done this so well." I tell him. We put our bags outside and clean up the place so we can leave. "We'll have a lot to do once we get there. I have to open my shop and clean up the house, decorate it-"

"Don't forget I'm there to help you." Yū says as we get into the car. Daichi lent us his car, or like I like to say, I stole the car from him, so that we can get to the airport without paying that expensive cost of taxi. What can I say, I walked to his house, said I'll take the car, didn't wait for him to respond and drove away. Now the thing is that he's a cop... Whoops..

We finally got to out destination and got out. I quickly texted Daichi the spot where his car was so that he could come and get it after his shift. After that we took our bags and headed inside. There happened a punch of things while we waited for the flight, going through the long lines and check ups. Ugh....

Finally after an hour and half we were sitting in the plane.

"Wake me up when we get there." I said.

"You wish. I'll most likely fall asleep before you." Yū says looking at me getting into a comfy position.

"I doubt that. Knowing you, you're way too excited to fall asleep."

"Fine." He puffs his cheeks and I let out a little laugh.

"You look adorable." I tell him poking his cheeks. He puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls me closer.

"What about now?" He wears one of his signature grins that really makes me feel heat grow on my own cheeks.

"A-" I close my mouth and avert my eyes from his. He laughs at my reaction and lets go off my face. He knew he once again won. I leaned my back on my seat and stared out of the window. I wasn't able to look at him in the eyes as my face was most likely redder than tomato. Finally the plane started speeding up and in no time we were in the air.


"Do you need anything? Coffee, tea, water or something else to drink?" I feel Yū poking my arm and I turn to look at him half asleep.

"Water.. *yawn* and tea." I say and fall back asleep. He shakes me telling me I can't fall asleep as the stewardess was talking to the people front of us. I groan and sit up straight. "I had a great dream and now I had to wake up from it."

"What kind?" He asks taking our order.

"Well you know. Dark and then I felt someone poke me, waking me up." I said glaring him while drinking my tea.

"Besides from knowing how grumpy you are when you wake up, I also know how much you dislike it when you have nothing to drink or eat. Chocolate?"

"Gimme!" He puts the chocolate bar away from me. "Meanie."

"Kiss me and you'll get it." He says grinning.

"No. I'm not really into PDA." He takes a bite of the chocolate and shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay then." I hesitate a moment before taking a hold of his cheeks and pulling him closer. I kiss him passionately and with my tongue take the chocolate into my mouth and then let go of him. Yū has amused look on his face.

"Never again." And he takes another bite.

*Landing to Spain people!*

We waited our bags and then walked out to look for (S/N), who was supposed to drive us to our new house.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now