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Watching Karasuno play made me want to cut off my leg, change it to better and run to the court. I don't know where this sudden love for volleyball aka sports came from. Just a year ago if I was put on the field or gym-class, I always wished that my feet would broke like this or that my nose starts to bleed so that I wouldn't have to move. But now all I want to do is to be on the court and literally dive for the ball. I don't care about the bruises or broken feet or bloody noses. I want to play!

"Wait, wait wait. What set are we playing?" I asked from the person next to me, who I had no idea who it was.

"Um, the first set."

"Oh, okay." I nodded my head and turned back to the game. 25-25, who is going to take the set? By what I got from the game, I should probably mention Chiyoko that our gray haired setter probably needs something to calm him down. Massage or scolding? That's her choice. Altho I might do the same for my spike haired boy.

"Or should I just punch him on stomach?" I thought out loud. I felt few stares on my back. "Nah. That's how he is. Now I feel pity towards myself..."

A/N: Lol. It would be fun to do a flash back right now as it's on the manga. Yep Imma write it. Btw (BFF/N) and (F/N) can be either boys or girls or whatever. I just write them as girls but the choice is yours.

Flashback - (Y/N) 14/15 Narrator P.O.V.
(I'm lazy with translating so I'll put the Finnish lines at the end of this chapter)

"(YYYYYY/NNNNNN)!!!" You got hit on your back by your best friend.

"(BFF/N), how is it going?"

"That's my line. Last year in the junior high school. What do you think?" She used her umbrella as a mic. You smiled with a confused look on your face.

"I don't really know. This year is time for me to choose where to go after this play has ended. Have you already looked through the list of high schools or trade schools?"

"Pfft. Only losers goes to trade school."

"And people who know what they are going to do in the future." (F/N) says as she reaches to you two. You sighed knowing what was coming.

"Are you saying that I have no idea what to do when I grow up?!"

"Well do you?" They continued their arguing even when you got to the gym.

"Okay now you two shut up." Teacher says. "We'll be playing volleyball so go get the balls and we'll start practicing how to set."

'Of course.' You purposely stepped wrong so that your feet would get hurt. That was after you started practicing.

"Teach, I don't think I'm able to play." You said as you limped towards her.

"Again? (L/N) I have to drop your number if you don't start to take part to our lessons."

"I'm sorry. I just feel like my feet can sense the primitive way we are going to play and doesn't want to take part into it." You said and walked off to the side. Your friends started to laugh and the teacher didn't look so happy. (BFF/N) walks to you and whispers into your ear.

"Can't you just heal yourself?" You looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" She huffs.

"Your grandmother is Lapland's witch. Won't that mean you can use some powers?"

"My grandmother is not a superhuman. There just are few spells she can do." You said. "There's one more thing you could do."

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