Few days before the games

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The morning you all left to Tokyo. Except for Ayumi and Neko who lives there. It would've been stupid if they first come to Miyagi and then leave back to Tokyo.

"I feel a bit bad that I won't be cheering for our team in Nationals." I said seeing how Kaedé and Yuri both send me a death glare. I know it's wrong to say things like that out loud when Karasuno beat them up, since they are still a bit upset about it, but it's also fun as hell to watch their reactions.

"There might be a change of Karasuno getting to the final. That's when we'll face them." Gina says.

"Yeah, if they make it." Yuri says.

"There's a lot of strong teams. For example Inarizaki. They are pretty powerful, like Shiratorizawa." Kaedé tells.

"Isn't that the school where Rikona goes?" Seina asks.

"It is. Speaking of Rikona, has anyone heard of her?" Sakae asks.

"Yes. She told me she isn't able to attend our game since she can leave the hospital later today. She will be managing her own school." Chiyoko tells. "They will do some more researching and testing out the medicine."

"Oh." Can be heard in the bus. The road trip comes to an end in few hours of sleeping and everyone jumps out of the bus. After that we all go and book into the hotel we are supposed to stay until the final game.

"Change into your jerseys and come to the lobby." Akari says. We all answer back and quickly change.

"Wow. It's the first time I'm wearing this. I feel like I have more power." I say to my roommate Daruma, who laughs a little.

"I can't disagree with that. I felt the same way when we wore them on our first match. Everyone was looking at us as we walked past. The feeling was amazing." We kept on talking as we walked to the lobby where everyone else was already.

"Good. Now that everyone is here we can head to the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. Jeez that was a long one." Akari sighs.

"Mom, you're getting old if Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium is too long for you to spell out." Chiyoko laughs.

"You evil little demon." Akari says.

"You might as well have misunderstood her name. It's not evil demon, she's literally our Goddess." Gina says and makes that "Person: nothing is perfect" meme pose with Kaedé, both pointing at Chiyoko. Akari sighs.

"Right, whatever. Get into the bus." We rode the way there and then jumped out.

"This place is so huge, I'm going to get lost right away." Seina says.

"Exactly why you are going to work together with your sister." Akari says. Then turns to all of us. "I promised that we will help out to put this place in order. I have checked out the stuff we will all be doing. Yuri, you will go and help with the electronics since that is one thing you do the best. Chiyoko and Kaedé, you two will check out the lights. It's dangerous since you will be hanging from the ceiling, but I trust you two. Seina, Sakae, Neko, (Y/N), Daruma and Ayumi, you all will put the hall where everyone comes in, in order. Gina, Momo, Tatsu, Leiko and Fumiko, you will come with me. No wait. Leiko and Fumiko change places with the twins. Off you go."

"Yes ma'am!" We all went to our places.

"I can't believe there is only a little over a day until the tournament starts." Fumiko says and then turns to me. "Nervous?" She asks then.

"More than you know." I said and took one of the banners and started to hang it up.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. You should have seen Fumiko on her first game. She went to toilet at least three times before we even got to the court." Leiko says.

"I was terrified!" Fumiko explains. "Besides we were what? Eleven years old!"

"Same deal." Leiko says.

"No it's not!" Fumiko says back.

"If you two start arguing, I'm going to get Kaedé to beat you up." Ayumi says with out even looking at them, back facing Fumiko and Leiko as she put another banner up. Shivers went down of both girls backs.

"And remember that even Ayumi can beat you two up." Neko says. Fumiko's and Leiko's faces went blue.

"Y-yes..." I and Daruma laugh at them and then change the place.

"We are going to get the signs." We say and leave the place to gym where coach is putting chairs with rest of the team and yelling at them, mostly to the twins. Actually just Seina. Yuri is adjusting the electronics and Chiyoko and Kaedé are putting lights in order. They climb up ladders that are on the ceiling and it's definitely the most dangerous thing we had gotten to do.

"You girls ready over there?" Momo asks and we shook our heads.

"Not quite. We came to get the signs." Daruma says.

"Tomorrow we'll have training so that we are ready for the game." Momo tells to us. "However we'll train in here so that they can test the court is okay and everything like that."

"Sounds great."

"Tho, it's mostly so that when someone spikes, the floor won't break." Momo says and turns to look at the ceiling.

"Are you talking shit about me?!" Kaedé yells to us.

"Maybe!" Momo answers.

"You are mean!" We take the signs and walk back. After few hours everything was done. I flopped down on my bed in the hotel and let out a huge sigh.

"Finally... I can't feel my hands nor my legs..." I said to Daruma who let out a laugh.

"I have to agree. But since we are living in the hotel with full team, I bet Seina is going to get everyone play UNO in no time." After she was done with her sentence, there was a knock on the door. Daruma walked to open it and surprise surprise it was Seina with UNO cards.

"Hey! You two wanna play with me?" She asked as she slammed the door open, since it wasn't open enough for her liking.

"Who else is coming?" Daruma asked.

"First years and the youngest in our team. I forced them to come." Seina says, proudly.

'Why am I not surprised?' I thought.

"I'm not coming. I have no energy left." I said, making a big mistake. Seina walked to me, grab my foot and started to drag me out of the room.

"Oh, you're coming with us. Daruma too!" Said girl walked after us. We entered to a table where said people were already.

"And the loser buys the winner what they want!" Seina announces.

"Of course..."

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