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The next day started with someone just casually walking to our room and staring to slamming us with pillows.

"It's past the bedtime! Get up!"

"How did you get into our room?" Daruma asked as she tried to dig herself back into the pillows.

"I just did. Now get up!" She hit us with the pillow again and the door to our room opened.

"Seriously? Your yelling is waking everybody up." Kaedé says. The third years were the ones on charge of us younger once. Kind of like bossing us around. We all turned to look at her but two of us soon gave in and fell back asleep.

"Seina go back to your room and change your clothes. I'll wake these two up."

"Yes ma'am." Even tho we knew this was bad, like really bad we didn't dare to wake up. The hotel bed and pillows were just too comfortable. She walked beside the bed and pulled the planked off from us.

"You can't do that!" I yelled.

"You horrible woman!" Daruma says. This was the moment where anyone would put their hands together and just pray to survive. Kaedé's face darkened.

"Oh, is that so." We heard her leave the room and just when we thought it would be safe, she came back with Chiyoko, who wore the same expression.

'Pray for the future!'

"So you are saying that you aren't going to get up meaning you want the whole team to fail today's games while you are all just going to sleep through the whole day not even giving a single thought about of the game meaning you will leave us alone there so that no one is cheer our team mates or no one to back up our libero or our middle blockers. Is losing what you want?" Neither of us dared to say anything against Chiyoko. Kaedé was standing next to her, arms crossed nodding to what Chiyoko has said. We hold onto our pillows as if our life depended on them.

"Do you have anything to say?" Kaedé asks. We quickly shook our heads and run straight to the bathroom to change.

"Kaedé let's go. We still have couple more rooms to go." We heard Chiyoko say.

"Ah they tricked us. I got so scared when Chiyoko started talking. I thought my heart stopped beating." Daruma sighs and fells on the floor to sit. I nod.

"I got scared when Kaedé's face darkened. And when Chiyoko was brought I felt like peeing in my pants." We stayed still for sometime until we really needed to dress up and meet everyone down on the lobby.

"Alright, everyone's here." Kaedé says. Akari takes the lead and explains today's schedule.

"At 11:30 we have a game against Nekoma girls and after that we'll have another game against a high school team that name I forgot at 14:20 (2:20 p.m.)." She explains. Seems like she was already sure we were going to win. "The only team that could be hard to win during these games is Niiyama high's team but I'm pretty sure we are going to win. Now everyone go eat so you have energy. Our lunch is around 13 (1 p.m.)."

"Hai!" We went to eat and surprisingly enough (not) it seemed like some of us were going to survive with only water or ice cream or bubble gum... I sighed.

'Is this really our team?'

"Yuri are you sure you are going to survive with only water?" I asked.

"Mm! You're right. I should also take watermelon. Thanks (Y/N)."

"No that's not what I- eh, never mind." I didn't get to say it till the end as she left to get some.

"Don't worry. If she doesn't eat right either coach, captain or her family is going to be mad at her." Sakae says.

"Aren't you worried about your sister?"

"Not really. Unless she gets beaten up with a baseball bat. Then I'll worry." She says.

"Fascinating..." I turn to look at my own plate. Well, plates. One of them has bread and (what ever you ever put on your bread). Second one had porridge/cereal. And the third one-

"BACON!!" No, not that. We turned to look at Seina who was somewhere near where the meat was.

"We don't have bacon. You want ham?"

"No I want bacon!"

"Oh no..." Ayumi sighs and bangs her head on the table just like few others from our team. It doesn't seem to be the first time. Then Momo started to laugh.

"Remember the first time we had an overnight games?" She asked the best she could through her laughter. Soon everyone else expected me, Leiko and Fumiko were laughing.

"I don't get it." I said.

"Neither do I. We weren't on the team back then." Fumiko says.

"Nope. We were on your garden practicing volleyball so we could join the team as we admired them so much." Leiko tells. We finish our eating and then head to wait for others to finish so we can head to the bus. This time we three are the fastest and are already waiting with our stuff when the rest comes out of the dining hall.

"Eh! You're ready already?" Neko asks.

"Yes we are." We answer.

"Girls, our younger ones are faster. Go go go go go! We better hurry." Chiyoko says and they run back to the rooms to get their stuff. Soon we are all in the bus and heading to the Central gym hall with butterflies, that are not as bad as the day before, in my stomach. This time I have a feeling that I might as well manage on playing the best I can. Altho this feeling was instantly gone when a little argument started between Nekoma's team (girls) and Neko since she is from Nekoma. Traitor and how dare she choose some other team than their. And after they swear they'd crush us.

I looked around my friends. Gina was opening third gum bag of the day. Twins were like nothing ever happened and put on their kneecaps. Chiyoko, Kaedé and Ayumi tried to make Neko stop the silly argument since it made her look even more childish. This made the short girl get mad at them but got okay once Momo and Tatsu took her aside and talked with her. Yuri together with Fumiko went to full our water bottles that we totally forgot whilst Leiko checked how tight she can tie her shoe laces. And Daruma? She had to and get ice when Neko accidentally hit her hand on the corner of door or wall. I wasn't watching. Someone asks Gina for bandages, she opens her bag, only for it to be filled with bags of gum... Chiyoko swings her wagasa when the twins get rowdy.

The chaos was ready and the game started in ten minutes. I know I said I won't panic but now is it okay if I do?

A/N: wassup? Here I am. Why does this sound like I'm writing a diary or what ever.

Hey! I have a read question. Can someone real nice who has been reading this book carefully and knows my ships and so on, gave me some names and genders and personalities of the children of those characters who don't have a ship? Thank you already whoever you are!

Since this book is sadly coming to it's end soon. Not yet, I said soon. After like 10 or 15 chapters or so. I still need to evolve your and Noya's relationship since it's a little out of romance, isn't it. So as this book is coming to its end, another one is starting. And I really need those children. Also a name for your children.

Your child's name either starts with Y or some other letter. You're free to bomb letters at me if you want.

Okay. Imma leave you to wait for the next chapter, bye. Have a good night, day whatever.

MSK out~

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