Visit Karasuno

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We begin to get the feeling that this game was never going to be over. While other teams already finished their games, we were still in the middle of our first one. Jokes on them, we had a leading role. Of course since we are the best team there is, it didn't take us long to win. They cried, we relaxed, getting ready for the next couple games. Well what can I say. We are the best players here so this happens. Although I wasn't ready when Seina went, and with Gina -which surprised me-, to make silly faces to the losing team while shouting mean things.

That ended with Kaedé as she went an punched them so they'd shut up. She dragged them back to our side after apologizing the other team. The next two games went past fast and we were finally able to go to our hotel and just relax. Daruma fell on her bed as we got to our room.

"Only few more games to go and then we can celebrate again." She said into her pillow.

"What about the world cup?" I asked taking off my shoes.

"It's on next summer so there is still time." As she ended her sentence we heard loud banging on our door.

"Get up losers!! It's time to play UNO!!" Seina yelled. It sounded like she was trying to bang the door down so we got up and opened the door. "Finally. Now that we have time we should do something fun together."

"Seina! Let us rest first!" Ayumi says from their rooms' door.

"Nah my good friend Daruma is ready for a new rise!" I looked over to Daruma who looked like she was near death rather than a new rise.

"This is why your kōhais won't respect you." Leiko says as she walks past Seina.

"Ha?!" She sounds so confused and mad at the same time it made me laugh.

"(Y/N), I'm going to visit at Karasuno's staying place. You want to come with me?" Chiyoko asks as she walks out of her room and sees me on the hallway.

"Sure. I bet Noya would torture you if I wouldn't come along." I say and took my shoes so we can go. We walked out of the hotel and headed to the place where Karasuno was staying. We knocked on the door and an old lady came to open it.

"Good evening. May I help you?" She asked. Chiyoko bows to her.

"Good evening. We are here to meet the team that is currently staying here. Karasuno team. I'm Udai Chiyoko. Their coach but at the moment I'm playing with my other team, Japan's National Women's volleyball team." She tells to the lady. I swear she looked even more like a goddess with her manners and that sweet smile she was wearing. If she's literally like a goddess that has come straight from heaven, just imagine the future kids she's going to have! "And this is (L/N) (Y/N), Karasuno's third manager and also a player in JNWVT."

"Good evening." I said bowing.

"Oh dear. Come in, come in. Make yourselves like home." The lady says with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Chiyoko says and bows. I bow as well and walk into the building after her.

"Tää paikka on ku kummitustalo... (This place is like a haunted house...)" I said as we took our shoes off and headed to the room where the team had gathered to watch some kind of video or something. Only Kiyoko and Hitoka were missing. Well, it was late at the evening so they were probably at the hot tub or shower. As we went to the room Chiyoko put her index finger on her lips to motion me to be quiet. We entered the room quietly and she shut the lights from the room.

Boys got really startled and I wasn't sure if it was Asahi who was either crying for help or praying for the evil to leave the place. Chiyoko goes closer to them and I stay behind. I put my hand on the lightswitch and start switching the lights as fast as I could. Chiyoko slowly closes up to them before putting her hands on Asahi and Hinata's shoulders, both of them jumping. Screaming fills the room and I let out a snickering sound.

"Okay (Y/N), stop scaring us." Daichi says as he recognize who is behind all of this.

"Hey it wasn't just me. Chiyoko started this." I said as I turned the lights back on, permanently.

"Plus, you'll make the electric bill larger by blinking the lights." Daichi continues on scolding. I'm about to open my mouth again when a blur of dark hair fills my vision.

"You came!" I was tackled on the floor by my over energetic boyfriend.

"Yes I did. But how did you knew I was coming?" I asked.

"I called to Chiyoko and told her to come here for a visit. Noya overheard and begged for you to come as well." Sugawara tells.

"Oh. Then it seems I must take my leave." I say and walk to the door once I get Noya off from me.

"No don't leave me! How cruel can you be?" He says while clinging onto my leg like a burdock.

"I can be colder that frozen breeze of Lapland."

"I need you!"

"How about you two get a room?" Tsukishima more like tells us to do so other than asking us kindly to do so.

"We'll stay here and catch up with Udai about our game!" Hinata says with punch to the air. I have no time to answer as I'm swung up to be held on a bridal style and carried away. Just as we leave Hitoka and Kiyoko arrive back.

'Great. Now I won't know what happened on their game.'

"So we had our first game against Tsubakihara and guess what, we won!" Yuu starts when we are on our own.

"Really? Congrats what about the second one?" I asked.

"We only had one. The next one is tomorrow."

"You did really good job. Forty teams got eliminated and you weren't one of them. That's a real luck to win. Well, we didn't lose either. We had three games today. And tomorrow we'll have two." I turned to look at him from my tea cup. "Good luck with the games."














































"Noya watch it! I'm holding tea!"

"Shut up! Both of you!"

"Daichi, you're yelling as well.."

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now