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When Shawn showed me his phone, I wanted to text Chance right away, but I couldn't. I couldn't let him know that I told Shawn that he had a girlfriend. I texted his mom to see if I could come over. She said sure, and I told Shawn that I was going, and he said that it was fine.

*Skip car ride to house

I arrived at his house, and knocked on the door. I heard the door open, and saw Chance.

"Hey, what are you doing back?" He asks.

"I..." I start and trail off.

"Yeah?" He says.

"I know you don't have a girlfriend." I say.

"What are you talking about of course I do why would I lie to you?!" He rambles.

"I know because Shawn showed me the text messages you guys sent to each other!" I yell.

He was silent. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, until he says, "So you know?"

"Yeah." I reply. And back to the awkward silence. "Why did you lie to me?" I ask trying to break it.

"Uh..." He starts. "BecauseIstillloveyouandIknewyouwerewithShawnanditjustcameoutand..." he rambles before I cut him off.

"Woah woah woah slow down." I chuckle, and he starts to chuckle as well.

He stops, and takes a breath. "It slipped out. When I knew you were with Shawn, and what I had done to you before, and seeing how you were so happy, it kind of just slipped out, and I went with it. Seeing how sorry you were, I don't know why I said it at that point. Look, I'm sorry if you hate me for the..." I smash my lips into his. He pulls back. "(Y/n) Shawn!" He whispers.

I put my lips back on to his. He pulls back again. "We broke up." I tell him.

"Oh, ok." He says, and puts his lips on mine. We kissed for about 6 seconds, and we both pulled back. I start to blush, and so does he.

"Uh, do you wanna watch a movie with us?" He asks.

"Yeah!" I say, and I walked inside, and he closed the door.

YAYYYY THERE BACK TOGETHER!!!! Hope you all liked this chapter! I'm really liking this story, and I know exactly where this story is going to go!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! Also can we just point out how precious Brooklyn is? And since when was she ready for preschool?! She is so cute! I love her! Ok, I'm done mini ranting about her! Bye!

Seeing you again (Sequel to It all started at a meet and greet)Where stories live. Discover now