Chapter 1

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"I have the information on the girl." A small, weak voice belonging to a young man fills the room.

"Good." A stronger, older voice overpowers the small one.

"Should we really do this? It is so wrong..." The first voice starts to talk, but is cut off.

"Silence! I have worked as a poor farmer my whole life! I am tired of working and never getting anything out of it. I will make a profit out of her."

The second man overpowers the first. The younger man huddles smaller, clutching his paper close to his chest.

"Well!? Tell me about the girl!"

"Oh! Right!" Squeals the servant. "She has (H/C), (H/L) hair and (E/C) eyes. She comes from a rich noble family..."

"That's enough!" Yells the master, causing the servant to cower. "This girl should sell for quite a good price..."

*At your house*

A man in his mid-forties is standing in a small study, looking outside through a large window. Behind him, a girl sits in a desk chair.

"(Y/N), I have reviewed the books in the castle's library.  I have created study sheets for you to use." The man turns and faces the girl. "If you study diligently, you will surpass the knowledge of your two older brothers. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Advisor Yuuto." The girl nods.

"Good. Now, I will have the servants prepare your bags. You will leave in two days. You are excused."

"Thank you."

You gracefully stand up, and take your leave.

*later that night at dinner*

"Dad, I don't want to go"

"(Y/N), this will be good. The castle has one of the best library's for you to finish your studies."

Your mom takes a sip of tea, then sighs.

"(Y/N), I understand that you don't want to go. But soon as your studies are done, you can come right back and never leave, if that is what you want."

"I don't want to be here in the first place"  you think. Despite your disappointment, you nod your head, and ask to be excused from the table.

*late at night*

A shadow slips past the guards, and down the wall, running into the darkness, making almost no sound as it vanishes.

Gaurd 1:"did you see that!?"

guard 2: "Yeah, you go tell master about it. He would want to know."

Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter, but I think a lot of them are going to end up like that. I am very bad at writing, so if it sucks and  if their are many errors, please forgive me!

Obi x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now